Chapter 50

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Anna's POV
"Where the hell is Riley?" I heard Mr. Johnson say.

Our second hour teacher as he got frustration each day within not seeing Riley.

I haven't seen Riley since the day she found out her uncles killed her parents.

"Sir." I said raising my hand.

"What do you want?" He asked me in a aggressive way.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes nodding.

I took everything with me to use feminine products as an excuse but I actually went out the doors.

Riley's health meant more than me then stupid school shit.

I drove to Riley's house and knocked on the door. When I got no answer I opened it to see the entire place a mess.

Dishes in the sink and papers everywhere. Clothes on the couches and cups everywhere. The entire thing was a mess.

"Riley?!" I yelled out.

I made my way to Riley's room which was even worse.

Papers... drink cups and alcohol bottles everywhere. Cigarettes bunts in ashtrays and clothes everywhere.

And there Riley was... sitting on her bed sleeping...

"This is not... healthy..." I mumbled.

"Hey Riley wake up." I said waking Riley up.

"Go away." She mumbled turning from me.

"N-No Riley this is not healthy. Get up." I said pulling her out of the bed.

She groaned before she curled up on the ground.

I pulled her face to look at me as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Are... are you drunk?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"No..." she whispered slurring her words.

"Shit Riley Cmon..." I said.

I pulled her up as she had trouble balancing herself.

"This is not healthy for you." I said but she could only lean on me for support.

"I don't care. This life is stupid... I hate it here I don't wanna fucking be here." She said as she started to collapse in my arms.

"Hey hey... I know you hate it here right now. But let's just think of the positive side..." I said and she shook her head.

"Anna what positive shit do you have?" She said getting out of my arms.

She walked away trying not to fall.

"I lost my parents in a stupid fire that was made on purpose. Not to mention I have a family of killers! Who no matter what I can possible be one too." She said finally breaking.

"I lost my custody of Parker and than my only support dog. I hate it here! And I just... don't... wanna live this stupid life..." she said crying out of anger.

"Who knows... maybe I could be next." She mumbled leaning against the desk.

"Your not capable of actually killing someone." I said and she looked at me.

"Who knows... maybe I could just shove a knife right here." She whispered pointing at my chest.

"Or right here... slit your neck?" She said tracing over my neck.

She looked at me. Her green eyes were almost in tears again.

"You can't let your family define your future. Blood or not your never gonna be a killer." I said.

"And how do you know that?" She asked me.

"Because you don't have what it takes to kill. Your kind... and cool... and fun to be around with... you can be crazy at some point but you can't be that crazy... What about Parker what would he think to realize you took this into state and made it true." I said and she looked at me with the softest eyes yet.

"I only speak the truth about you Riley... I'm saying your special... you have me... you have Parker, the basketball team, soccer friends, you have your friends. And they are all gonna be there for you." I said.

She realized what I was saying as she smiled slightly.

She started to get up forgetting she was drunk and fell off her balance.

I quickly caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Cmon..." I said bring her over back to me the bed.

I felt her pull me closer to her making her head fall into my chest.

Before I knew it I heard light snores coming from her.

I smiled and gave her a kiss on the head before falling asleep after her.

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