Chapter 40

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Anna's POV
I got Riley away from Harley. She didn't stop crying and I called Adam.

"Hey Adam... yeah we need you to come to the house and get Harley." I said.

"Why what's wrong?" He said.

"She's gone." I whispered.

"Oh... okay yeah I'll come." He said.

I hung up on him and turned to see Riley staring at Harley's body.

"Riley. Adam will come get her." I whispered.

"N-No I don't wanna leave anymore." She said.

"Riley the longer you stay here the more your sad." I said and she shook her head.

"I don't care." She mumbled.

"Riley-" I whispered:

"Just leave Anna." She said.

I shook my head and sat next to her.

We sat there for a long time as Adam opened the door.

"Riley... I'm so sorry." He whispered after seeing Harley.

We watched as Adam picked up Harley's body. He took him outside while Riley got up to go after him.

"N-No Riley." I said holding her back.

"No stop! Let me go!" She yelled.

"Riley I can't do that." I said.

Her leg was giving out making half of her weight fall on me.

"Anna! Let me go!" She yelled.

I pulled her by her waist has my arms wrapped around her preventing to get out.

She relentlessly struggled as I kept her down.

Her energy was giving up as her struggles were getting weaker.

"Anna. Please..." she whispered.

"I'm sorry I can't." I said.

"You can just let me go!" She yelled at me.

I stayed the same keeping her down.

"I hate you." She said making me break a little.

"Jesus Anna let me go!" She yelled.

I only held on tighter.

"I-I hate you so fucking much." She yelled at me.

She was hyperventilating. And panicking while crying.

"Stop Anna. Please go away!" She yelled.

"I-I know you hate me for doing this. But it's truly for your own good." I said and she shook her head.

"Hey hey Riley. Please calm down." Adam said.

I let go of her has she was about to run out Adam stepped in the doorway.

"Riley. No." He said.

He moved her while she struggled to get out of his grip.

"Riley. We need to go. You can't be here." I said.

"Let's go to Anna's house." He said grabbing the duffel bag.

Riley had stopped struggling when she laid down on the couch still crying.

"Riley let's go." Adam said but she didn't move.

"Take this." Adam said giving me the duffel bag.

"N-No Adam stopped. That hurts." She whispered.

He picked her up by bridal style and carried her.

He started to carry her into my house setting her down on my bed.

She didn't move she just stared at the ceiling.

"I have to go help my dad get a trailer." Adam said.

"You want me to send someone that can help you?" He asked me.

I shook my head no had I dropped the duffel bag on the ground.

Adam left and Riley hasn't moved an inch.

I sat down on the bed while just staring off to space.

"I'm sorry." I heard Riley spoke up.

"I-I didn't mean to say that. I was just... angry." She mumbled.

"I never really thought I could lose her today." She whispered.

"I-I just... I panicked... I've never really acted like this." She said starting to panic a little.

"It's okay." I said.

"No it's not okay. You were trying to help me and I to-" she said before I cut her off.

"Stop apologizing. You cant control your panics. It's okay." I said and she looked at me.

She had a slight smile before it turned.

She looked away from being guilty.

"Hey look at me." I whispered guiding her chin back to me.

"Everything is gonna be okay. I promise. Harley is in a better place." I said.

"You need to focus on you." I said.

I laid down next to her has I put my hand on her abdomen making sure her breathing was leveled.

She tensed up but then rested a little later.

It was only a few minutes when she rolled against me making us spoon.

After that I think she fell asleep.

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