Chapter 2

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Riley's pov
My eyes fluttered open. I woke up in a hospital bed.

"I- mm...where am I..." I said mumbling trying to get words out but everything just hurt.

"Hey..." a voice said.

I looked up to see Liam my uncle.

"Oh... hey... uh where am I..." I asked as I tried to sit up.

"Here let me help you." He said as he helped me sit up.

"Wait where's Parker?!" I asked in panic.

"Hey hey hey... calm down... he's home with Daniel." He said and I relaxed.

"How bad is it." I said as I looked at my arm.

"Not bad I think you fractured a bone or two. You have stitches in your arm. You a have a average concussion and you have a large cut across your leg" he said has he helped me lift up the sheets to reveal the cut on my leg.

"A brick and board crushed your ribs so that's definitely gonna take a while to heal." He said as I definitely felt the pain there.

"Umm... and mom and dad..?" I asked and he got quiet.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered and I felt tears just rushing down my body.

"Hes only 6..." I whispered as Liam comforted me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart..." he said as I laid back down again.

I could feel myself drift off again before going back to sleep.

(Its been a month since the accident)

Anna's POV
Me and Eva were walking around trying to find the nearest gas station.

"Bro no way. I think it's obvious here... anime is wayyy better." She said an I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Anime is average but have you seen Star Wars or ice age?" I asked.


Suddenly a dog had ran up to me. This dog was familiar. All the sudden a little boy was running towards us.

He hugged Eva as Eva remembered who he was.

"Hey! How are you!" She asked.

"I'm better! My leg is so better!" He yelled in a happy voice.

"HARLEY! PARKER!" Someone yelled.

I looked to see a girl with caramel hair and green eyes. She like looked about to be 5'6 as she was walking down.

"I'm so sorry." She said whistling for the dog to come to her.

"Hey girl... sit." She said and the dog obeyed her.

I couldn't help but stare at her face... her face had a small scar right above her left eyebrow. I just admired her features till I snapped out of it.

"Parker? You know this girl?" She asked and the little boy nodded his head.

"How'd you meet her?" She asked.

"The day of the fire. She helped me calmed down!" He said as the girl finally looked up at us.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry for him." She said in a apologetic tone.

"Oh don't worry! It's fine! Glad we could help!" Eva said in a nice manner.

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