Into the Pit

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Third Person POV

After Nico got back from a short trip to Camp Jupiter, Jada was waiting for him.

It was now summer time and time to help Nico look for the doors of death. Bianca had been killed in the Battle of Manhattan, and Nico was still mourning for her.

Scene Change

Jada and Nico walked through the Underworld, heading to the Pit.

"You ready for this cousin?" the legacy of love asked Nico.

Jada and Nico were always close, and Jada was one of the first people to learn that Nico was gay.

Flash back

"I'm gay Jada!" Nico snapped before clapping his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened with horror at revealing his secret.

"... and why should I care?"Jada blinked confused.

"It-Its not natural and-" Nico state but Lyra cut him off.

"Nico, I'll support you! I don't care if you like boys, because there's more then two dozen same sex couples at Beauxbatons. No one cares about same sex couples in the magical world, and sometimes its even celebrated in a few countries. I know that Fleur is bisexual and so I'll support you because you're my family." Jada said firmly. "And if I makes you feel more comfortable, I promise not to tell anyone until they know, you told them, or you're comfortable to come out of the closet."

Nico was ready to cry. "But my dad..."

"Hades has had many children who are not straight so he will support you. And he knows he'll deal with Hestia if he doesn't." Jada said confidently.

"Thank you..." Nico whispered and Jada hugged him.

"Anything-within limits-for family Nico." the legacy of wine and madness said to her cousin.

Flash back over

"Yup." Nico said.

Just then, hordes of monsters came at them. Jada sent a wave of elemental magic at the monsters to stop them but it was little use so she sent out a devastating blast of fire.

The two were forced closer and closer to the Pit.

"We need to jump into the pit!" Nico yelled.

"Are you crazy?" the greek fire green eyed girl yelled. "We'll die if we go into the pit Nico!"

"I know that." the son of Hades said "But we have no choice! We need to find the Doors of Death."

Jada growled under her breath, grabbed Nico's hand, and the two jumped into Tartarus.


Jada and Nico were falling for who knows long until they landed in a river. Jada quickly grabbed Nico before they could drown and hauled them up to shore.

Only to see one of the worst places they had ever seen.

There was acid air and the ground made of broken glass. The Tartarus has a grayish atmosphere and its clouds are blood red.

The ceiling was so high that it is invisible from the ground, stretching for miles and miles to plunge into darkness in the form of plateaus.

Multiple pointed mountains and volcanic chasm adorn the landscape. A few long, thin, black trees had grown in the flatter areas, and multiple monsters emerge like worms from blisters that form on the ground.

"Bloody hell." Jada whispered in horror, gripping her sword tightly in her hands. She quickly snapped out of her horror "We need to go now. Let's get to grandmother Nyx."

Nico nodded and the two started sprinting through the Pit of Monsters, desperate to get out of the place and find the Doors of Death.

They continued walking for another two days and they had just left Akhlys(who had compliment on Nico's misery) when unsurprisingly a horde of monsters jumped them to try and kill them.

Jada sent out waves of devastating blasts of wind, fire, and elemental magic over and over at the attacking monsters. Many monsters began to warily come closer to the legacy of wisdom.

Nico cut down monsters after monster with his Stygian Iron sword, protecting his friend's back from the horde of monsters but it was too much for the son of Hades to attack and defend at the same time.

"NICO LOOK OUT!" Jada yelled, and Nico turned around to see a monster shining a fist down at his head before he blacked out.

"Get away from him!" the legacy of magic yelled, pulling out her sword and slicing another two monsters before she too was knocked out.

Anyone, help. she thought before she lost total conscious.

Scene Change

Jada let out a muffled groan before seeing she wasn't in the pit anymore, and that she was somewhere underground. The child of lightning was also chained to a wall, her wrists cuffed.

"Ah one of them is awake brother!" a voice yelled, and the legacy of the moon saw a giant in a white shirt with black jeans and a crown.

"Yes I see that Otis." another voice snapped.

Jada's eyes focused enough for her to see a twelve foot tall giant with long purple hair that was braided with golden and silver coins and wearing a white shirt, black jeans, and a crown. "And you're wearing the same thing as me! Again! I was wearing the crown today!"

"Sorry Ephialtes. I thought you were wearing the biker outfit today." the other giant, who was identical to the purple haired giant but his hair was green that was also braided with golden and silver coins.

"That was yesterday and you wore the biker outfit as well! Never mind that we have a guest to entertain. Welcome little demigod!" the purpled hair giant, Ephialtes, declared turning to face Jada. "Join us and Earth Mother or be tortured to death. Actually you'll just be kept alive since we can't risk war with Selene right now."

Really? Okay Earth Mother is a big threat but they did the classic 'join me or die' shit? Really? That is so very cliche can't villains be more creative with the monologue. Jada thought unimpressed. "I'lll pass." the legacy of love growled. "Where's Nico!?"

"Ah your friend?" Otis said "He's in the jar. Should die in say, nine days, soon enough for your friends to show up and die trying to save you."

"Again I'll pass on joining the Earth Mother." Jada spat.

"Very well then! Bring out the torture things!" Ephialtes announced.

Jada closed her eyes. Percy and who's ever with him, hurry please.

Scene Change

The past several days blurred together in a swirl of pain and suffering. She was tortured every day but the Giants kept her alive.

Until on the day Nico would possibly die she felt someone shake her and break her chains. "Hey hey hey Jada? Don't die you can't die. You're safe."

Jada let out a groan and focused enough to see Piper Mclean's kaleidoscope eyes staring down at hers. "Ug Piper?" the greek fire green eyed girl rasped.

"Yeah its me. Your okay now we're here to save you." the daughter of love whispered.

"Nico?" Jada of demanded, worry for the son of Hades clear in her voice.

"He's out of the jar don't worry." Piper said. "Oh sweet gods Lyra what did they do to you!?"

The child of fire tried to speak but just groaned and darkness and sleep surged up on her.

She couldn't stay awake any longer and fell into the realm of dreams, the last thing she heard were the screams of her friends and the yells of a fight.

That is today's chapter. I hope that you've enjoyed it despite what's in this chapter.

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