The Desert

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Third Person POV

"We should camp for the night," Zoë suggested.

Jada reached a hand into her bag and pulled out the handkerchief-sized tent and placed it on the ground.

"Is that the same one we used before durning the Lightning Thief Quest? After you, Asher, and Luna joined us." Grover asked, perking up.

"Yup," Jada said.

Luna looked at her. "You packed that?"

"I thought we would need it." the legacy of magic said, tapping the tent with her Elder wood wand.

The others were startled when the full tent sprung up. "In we go.".

Grover and Luna entered the tent.

"I'll have the same room as last time if that is okay." Grover said.

"Room...? All of us won't fit." Phoebe frowned.

"Magic." Jada said, and entered.

The Hunters entered after her, and their jaws dropped when they saw the tent.

"Okay, Zoë and Phoebe, you'll have to share. Grover will have his own room on the left and Luna will have her preferred room as well. I have my room enchanted to feel like the subzero temperatures of the Arctic if you enter without my permission." Jada said.

"Wow..." Phoebe said.

"There's two bathrooms with a shower, just put your clothes in the laundry hamper and then they'll clean up. But this one doesn't have a dinning room because this one is the cheapest kind, so we will have to eat outside." the legacy of wine and madness explained.

"This one is the cheapest?!" Zoë said.

"Yeah." Jada shrugged.

Luna grumbled something about rich people.

A short while later, they were lounging around the campfire on foam mattresses that Zoë and Phoebe had produced from their packs.

Jada had summoned Dobby and Winky to make them some food, which her house elves gladly did. So now they had hot stew, bread rolls, and everyone had either milk or water to drink, and Dobby and Mocha had went back to Flamel Chateau with a message from Jada to her parents, that she and Luna were safe for now.

"The stars are out," Zoë said.

There were millions of them, with no city lights to turn the sky orange. A reason Jada loved her properties, along with her friends; the castles/properties were far, far away from cities.

The magical demigods could see all of the constellations when at one of the properties. They loved seeing the stars.

"Wow," Luna said. "I've never actually seen the Milky Way."

"This is nothing," Zoë said. "In the old days, there were more. Whole constellations have disappeared because of human light pollution."

"You talk like you're not human," Luna said.

Zoë raised an eyebrow.

"I am a Hunter. I care what happens to the wild places of the world. Can the same be said for thee?"

"For you," Jada corrected. "Not thee."

"But you use you for the beginning of a sentence."

"And for the end," the legacy of the sun and moon said. "No thou. No thee. Just you."

Zoë threw her hands up in exasperation.

"I hate this language! It changes too often!"

"If only Pan were here," Grover sighed. "He would set things right."

Zoë nodded sadly.

"Do you really think it was Pan?" Grover asked.

"New Mexico must have a wild spot," Jada said to Grover, her long time friend "Find that wild spot, and maybe you'll find Pan."

"Vegas is nearby. We could go there to get supplies." Zoë said thoughtfully.

Jada and Grover got ready to object but Luna beat them to it.

"NO!" she shrieked. "If we go there, we never come out."

"The prophet as spoken." Zoë sighed. "Always trust a child, or legacy, of Apollo when it comes to the future. We'll pass Vegas and go to the nearest city there when we leave the desert."

That's today's chapter. Hope you have enjoyed it.

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