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Third Person POV

When the train finally stopped later, the questers found themselves on the edges of a small ski town in New Mexico.

The sign said that the towns name was 'Cloudcroft' but the legacy of wine and madness didn't care. She had seems a lot of small towns and cities like this one.

The air was cold and snow was everywhere, but she remained unaffected by the cold. Thank you Cold Immunity. Jada thought.

The roofs of the cabins were heaped with snow, and dirty mounds of it were piled up on the sides of the streets.

Tall pine trees loomed over the valley, casting pitch-black shadows and blocking out the sun.

"We have to find Nereus, he lives in San Fransisco." Luna stated.

Grover looked uneasy but said "That's good, I guess. But we have to get there first."

Jada turned to Zoë, she had said something about the Mountain of Despair, and how it was now in San Francisco now that the heart of the west was now located in America.

She also remembered Perenelle saying how Nereus was the guy that toe originally Perseus had gotten the location of the Medusa to slay Medusa.

They stopped in the middle of town. You could pretty see everything from there: A school, a bunch of tourist stores and cafes, some ski cabins, and a grocery store.

"Great," Phoebe said, looking around. "No bus station. No taxis. No car rental. No way out."

"There's a coffee shop," Grover said.

"Yes," Zoë said. "Coffee is good."

"And pastries," Grover said dreamily. "And was paper."

He got a few weird looks from the others but Phoebe sighed. "Fine. How about you two go get us some food. Jada, Luna, and I will check in the grocery store. Maybe they can give us directions."

"We should meet in front of the grocery in fifteen minutes," the legacy of wisdom said.

Inside the grocery store, they found out a few valuable things about Cloudcroft: there wasn't enough snow for skiing, the grocery store sold rubber rats for a dollar each, and there was no easy way in or out of town unless you had your own car.

"You could call for a taxi from Alamogordo," the clerk said doubtfully. "That's down at the bottom of the mountains, but it would take at least an hour to get here. Cost several hundred dollars."

The clerk looked lonely, so Luna bought a rubber rat and the child of fire grabbed a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and jelly so that they could make sandwiches later.

Phoebe also added two packages of Double-Stuf Oreos before paying for the food.

The five girls proceed to leave the shop and stood on the sidewalk. They all shivered, minus Jada, from the cold.

"Wonderful," Phoebe grumbled. "I'm going to walk down the street, see if anybody in the other shops has a suggestion."

"I can pay for the taxi, though we would need two taxis since there are six of us." Jada said thoughtfully, making the two hunters turn to her.

She was internally relieved for following Griphook's advice to choose a card connect to her back vaults that worked in the mortal world.

"You can afford something like that!?" Phoebe demanded.

"Yeah, I mean it's not much money so I can afford it." Elektra shrugged, making Phoebe look at her as if she was crazy.

"Not much money..." Phoebe mumbled, looking at her in disbelief and joy that they had a way out of the town.

"Is she lying?" the ginger huntress whispered to Luna.

"Nope." Luna said to the youngest member of the Hunters of Artemis, childishly popping the 'p'.

"Let's go to the coffee shop and get something to eat and drink. Then I'll call the cab." Jada said before walking to the coffee shop.

And that's today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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