The Lost Hero

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Third Person POV

"There!" the legacy of wine and madness yelled as the chariot pulled closer to Grand Canyon.

Butch, a son of Iris; goddess of the rainbow; gave a nod and the chariot landed on the far side of the skywalk.

The Pegasi tucked in their wings and cantered nervously across the glass, as if they could sense it breaking.

Jason POV

There were three teenagers in the chariot- a tall blonde girl maybe a year or two older then himself, a bulky dude with a shaved he'd and a face like a pie of bricks, and a girl with midnight black hair streaks with red and greek fire green eyes.

The first two wore jeans and orange t-shirts while the black haired girl wore black jeans and a green shirt, but all three had shields tossed over their backs.

The blonde girl leapt off before it stopped moving, the green eyed girl jumping off after her. The blonde pulled a knife and ran towards Jason's group while the bulky dude reined in the horses.

"Where is he?" the blonde girl demanded. Her eyes were fierce and startling.

"Where's who?" Jason asked.

She frowned like his answer was unacceptable. Then she turned to Leo and Piper but before she could speak the black haired girl did.

"What about Gleeson? Where is your protecter Gleeson Hedge?" the greek fire green eyed girl said.

The coach's first name was Gleeson? Jason might have laughed if the morning hadn't been so weird and scary. Gleeson Hedge: football coach, goat man, protecter of demigods? Sure. Why not?

Leo cleared his throat, Jason just realized that Leo had been staring at the black haired girl slightly. "He got taken by some... tornado things."

"Venti," Jason said "Storm spirits."

"That's the roman term." the blonde girl said "We call them Anemoi Thuellai."

"First, who are you and what happened to you? I'll deal with Mist damage." the greek fire green eyed girl said and snapped her fingers.

White glittery stuff appeared around her, her hair floated up, and her eyes began glowing a bit but Jason had a feeling she was still listening.

Jason stumbled through the entire story, and half way the other guy from the chariot came over. 

He stood there, glaring at them, his arms crossed. He had a tattoo of a rainbow on his biceps, which was a little unusual.

When Jason finished his story, the blonde girl didn't look satisfied. The greek fire green eyed girls's eyes stopped glowing and her hair went back to normal.

"No, no, no! She told me he would be here! She told me if I came here, I'd find the answer." the blonde said.

"Annabeth put down the knife." the greek fire green eyed girl spoke but there was a touch to her voice as if Jason wanted to put down his knife but he didn't have, and the blonde surprisingly put down the knife.

"Annabeth, Jada," the bald guy grunted "Check it out." he pointed to Jason's feet.

Jason had completely forgotten, but his left shoe had blasted off when the lightning hit him. His bare foot now looked like a lump of charcoal.

"The guy with one shoe," said the bald dude "He's the answer."

"No Butch," the blonde girl insisted "He can't be. I was tricked." she glared at the sky as though it had done something wrong.

"What do you want from me?" the blonde girl screamed to the sky "What have you done with him?!"

"WHERE IS HE!?" the second girl bellowed.

The skywalk shuddered, and the horses whinnied urgently. The greek fire green girl's eyes lost their anger and became wary as she stared at the skywalk.

"Annabeth." the greek fire green eyed girl said warningly with the same touch in her voice like last time. "We need to go. With them."

"Yeah, let's get these three back to camp and figure it out. The storm spirits might come back." the bald dude, Butch, said.

The blonde fumed for a moment. "Fine." she fixed Jason with a resentful look. "We'll settle this later."

She turned on her heel and marched to the chariot, the black haired girl following her.

Piper shook her head. "What's her problem? What's going on?"

"Seriously." Leo agreed.

"We have to get out of here." Butch said "I'll explain on the way, Jada might help."

"Who?" Piper asked.

"I'm not going anywhere with her." Jason said gesturing to the blonde, Annabeth. "She looks like she wants to kill me."

Butch hesitated. "Annabeth's okay. And Jada is the girl with black hair with red streaks. You gotta cut Annabeth some slack. She had a vision telling her to come here, to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to her problem. And some type of Jada's magic also told her to come here."

"Magic? What problem?" Jason asked.

"Annabeth's been looking for one of our campers, who went missing three day ago. Jada's been helping. Annabeth" Butch said. "Annabeth's been going out of her mind with worry. Jada's also freaking out, because the missing camper is cousin."

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Annabeth's boyfriend." Butch said "A guy named Percy Jackson, who's Jada's cousin."

Time skip to near the end of the Lost Hero

"There's a roman camp?" Annabeth said.

Jason, Leo, and Piper had just come back from their quest the other night and it was daytime again.

Hera had been freed but from what Hestia told Jada(who had told Chiron what her mother had said), the giants were rising once more.

History was repeating its self once more in the form of the Giants this time. A second giant war would happen.

The heads of the cabins were all having a meeting currently in the newly revealed Bunker 9.

"Selene help us, Zeus's horny in both forms!" the child of fire said, sarcasm dripping off of her words. There was a rumble of thunder but they all ignored it.

"You knew didn't you?" Jason said to Chiron.

"Yes I did." the Trainer of Heroes said. "I swore to never talk about it, since every time the two groups would be blood would spill."

There was murmurs go disbelief from the hades of the cabins. "So Percy..." Annabeth said, trailing off.

The legacy of the moon's eyes gained a spark of hope.

"Is at the other camp." Jason finished. "With no memory of who he is."

That is today's chapter, sorry its short but I hope you have all enjoyed it at least.

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