Meeting Hestia

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Third Person POV

A few days after Thalia woke up(and a month before the Quidditch World Cup), Jada had woken up early to take a walk after throwing on a black tank top with a fire symbol and blue jeans.

Currently, she was contently sitting on the beach, the waves lapping at her feet, watching the horizon.

"Its a beautiful view is it not?" a female voice said softly from behind her.

The legacy of wine & madness jump up in a fright, turning around so fast her ponytail smack her in her face, getting a chuckle from the new comer.

"Who are you?" Jada demanded, fire dancing along her hands before it stopped. "Huh?" she said confused, trying to bring back the fire.

"Child, I am the goddess of fire. It is my domain." the voice chided gently. Jada blinked at she got an unblocked view of the newcomer since her hair had blocked her vision the first time.

It was a women at the age of 21, hair tucked under a linen shall, wearing an elegant but simple red and gold dress, intelligent eyes that were filled with flames, but warm and cozy, an honest smile, and black hair that framed her face in ringlets. Her body radiated power and was perfectly proportioned in an unpretentious way.

"Hestia...?" Jada said.

"Good to see you Alyssa." Hestia said, sitting down, and motioning for Jada to do the same.

"Its Jada." Jada said on reflex, but still sat down next to the goddess of the hearth.

"Sorry Jada." Hestia said. "But it is good to finally meet you after so long. You've grown."

The legacy of the moon felt a swell of emotions welling up inside her, the words she wanted to say and scream, but somehow she couldn't be angry at her immortal mother.

"How old was I when you left?" Jada said quietly.

Hestia let out a sigh, remembering Lily and James. "You were three months old, just when they began to go on the run."

Jada to a breath and looked the goddess of fire in the eye. She had never thought about meeting Hestia, but now she knew what to say.

"Look... I didn't need you there all the time. I didn't need you there every day at Camp, or in my life. But... it would have nice to see you at least once, or an 'I love you.'." the legacy of the sky said.

Jada turned on her heel and was about to walk(or run) away from the beach, from her immortal mother, and back to camp and Perenelle(her true mother) when she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to see Jada.

"Jada." Hestia said. "I was always watching you. Just because you didn't see me, doesn't mean I was there. I couldn't visit you because I was sacred about how my siblings, nieces and nephews, and all of the other gods would react to me having a child. All I could do was watch and try to make sure you were okay. Selene... was very persuasive to get any gods and goddesses, titans and titanesses who wanted to try and test and hurt you in some way to back off. But you're my daughter, and I'll always be proud."

Jada just blinked, but somewhere inside her heart a little bit of it forgive Hestia. 

"Perenelle and Nicholas have been good parents for you." Hestia said, trying to break the silence.

"They are my parents. They blood adopted me." the legacy of magic said bluntly.

Hestia didn't flinch but just sighed again. "I can see that, you've grown to be a good person."

"Other people helped." the child of fire said bluntly.

"I hope we can at least know each other." Hestia smiled "I have to go know." 

Go now, and ignore me for the next thirteen/fourteen years. the dark side of Jada's brain whispered but she just nodded and ignored the dark side of her brain.

Hestia vanished in a flash of flames, and Jada walked away from the beach and ran back to camp.

That is today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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