Third Task & Voldemort's death

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Third Person POV

After Jada destroyed the last of Voldemort's Horcruxes, all that was left was the kill Voldemort.

After the second event, which involved the champions rescuing people from the mermaids as the bottom of the Black Lake, Cedric had gotten first place.

Fleur had won second place and Victor third. Fleur's little sister, little Gabrielle, had been used as her hostage and Cedric had aided Fleur in rescuing Gabrielle.

Gabrielle had been rushed to the infirmary soon after Fleur had rescued her because her body temperature was extremely low. Anyone with the blood of a veela was not meant to be held for so long in cold temperatures, as they were creatures of fire and heat.

Luckily, Gabrielle had been rescued from the lake just in time and the mermaids offered several spells that saved Gabrielle's life.

Gabrielle had been in a coma as her body was not meant for cold due to having the blood of a veela, but luckily she had been transported to the French Hospital Sacred Heart and woken up safely there.

The French Minister of Magic had demanded that Dumbledore be punished for using Gabrielle without Gabrielle's consent(she had been taken in the middle of the night without any warning).

And as a quote from the Daily Prophet: "Ce Dumbledore est horrible!"

Fudge did as the French Minister of Magic requested by stripping Dumbledore of Chief Wizengamot and replacing him with Augusta Longbottom.

Dumbledore then learned he had three months to pay off for his audits by illegally using the Potter Family Vaults or it would be ten years shoveling dragon dung underneath Gringott's.

Now it was the third and last event, the Maze task.

Jada watched as the champions entered the maze, Cedric first, then Fleur, and lastly Victor with her fellow Beauxbatons students.

"Oh that has to hurt." Asher winced as Cedric was hit with a fireball.

"He'll live." Luna shrugged.

"That is reassuring and I am looking forward to be going back to Beauxbatons." the legacy of madness and wine sighed. She was so done with Hogwarts.


Cedric won the Triwizard Tournament. He came out with light burns on one arm and was bleeding from scratches, but he made it to the center of the maze first.

"Hey where's Jada?" Asher said. The legacy of wisdom hadn't been seen since she left to get snacks for them.

"JADA WHERE ARE YOU!?" Finn yelled, and the group began to look for their missing school mate.

"She's been taken." Luna said suddenly, grabbing Jackson's arm. "By her nemesis."

"Voldemort." the son of thieves swore.

"Jackson find something that belongs to Jada-and nothing pervert like-so we can find her! Blaise and Kira, go get the headmistress!" Asher barked.

The group of school mates quickly did what they were told.


The legacy of love hissed as she hit the ground. Moody-a death eater- let her go and turn to the cauldron.

"I got her, my lord." fake Moody bowed.

"Good." a voice in the cauldron hissed. "Ah, Alyssa Potter, how I have waited for this!"

"I'm not going to do some long dramatic shit Voldy-as-fuck-mort. And if I have said this once I've said this a hundred times: MY NAME IS JADA PANDORA FLAMEL! Also Goodbye." the legacy of magic said, grabbing her wand and stunning the Death Eater.

She quickly conjured a shield which redirected the spells back at Pettigrew.

She ran over and stabbed him in the arm with Moonfire which she had turned into its sword form into before turning to the cauldron.

"Goodbye. And this is for my father and step mother." the green eyed girl snarled.

"You foolish-" Voldemort said before Jada kicked over the cauldron. She gagged at the sight of the body and smell.

"Oh that's disgusting." she coughed.

Just then, a squad of Aurors, lead by Headmistress Maxine and Dumbledore, entered.

"Heiress Flamel!" Headmistress Maxine said, rushing over to her student. "What happened?"

"He's a Death Eater and kidnapped me. He brought me here and you can see that I killed Voldemort for good." Rhode said.

"But my dear girl-" Dumbledore started but was cut off when the green eyed girl kicked him in the balls after putting Moonfire back in its hidden form.

"Its Heiress Flamel." Jada snarled. "Can we go back now? Please?" she turned to her headmistress, who nodded.

"Is he really dead?" Amelia Bones asked.

"Yes. That thing over there is him." Jada said, pointing to the small thing next to the tipped over cauldron "That man with straw hair is a death eater. And Pettigrew is over there. We should stab Voldemort again just in case."

"Yes please do that." Amelia said. Jada stabbed Voldemort again in the head a hundred times with conjured swords.

"I'm taking her back to the carriage." Madam Maxine said.

Amelia gave a nod and Madam Maxine and the child of fire vanished back to the Beauxbatons school carriage.



By Rita Skeeter

Well dear readers, as you have heard, Voldemort, or more commonly known as You-Know-WHo and He-who-must-not-be-named is dead! Gone forever now, we can now sleep in peace.

How is he dead? Well, he was slain by brave and fearless, the one and only Jada Flamel! Fourteen years old and a student of Beauxbaton's Academy of Magic, she was one of the students of the French school to be visiting Hogwarts.

On the eve of the Maze Task, after Champion Mister Cedric Diggory won(congrats by the way), Jada was kidnapped by a death eater, who was pretending to be Mad Eye Moody. As a comment from Headmistress Maxine, wouldn't the wards alert the Headmaster of Hogwarts if there was a Death Eater at the school?

Anyways, Heiress Flamel was taken to the sight of the graveyard of Little Hangelton. She bravely dueled and defeated the Dark Lord, the imposter Mad Eye Moody, Barty Crouch Jnr., who it turns out was smuggled out of Azkaban by his father, and thought to be dead Peter Pettigrew, who is actually the Secret Keeper of the Potters!

Sadly, Sirius Black did not live long enough to see justice, but on with the story!

Heiress Flamel was escorted back to the Beauxbaton's carriage where the next day, she was allowed to portkey early back home to ancestral home of the Flamel's. 

May Heiress Flamel have a peaceful summer!

Heiress Flamel was unavailable to comment.

Madam Maxine was unable to comment.

Headmaster Dumbledore was unable to comment.

That's today's chapter. Sorry its a bit short.

And for Jada easily dealing with Voldemort?

Well she used common sense and didn't let him brag or that kind of shit. She just dealt with it as fast as she could. She was also more prepared in the terms of magic than in canon.

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter!

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