Bonus Chapter |

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"Oliver!" I hear my name being shouted and turn my music down before wiping the paint off my fingers. "Yeah?!" I shout back leaving my studio, which opened up into our living room.

"I'm going to take Evelyn to dance practice, if that's okay?" Lily tells me walking out of the kitchen with my eight year old sister behind her. "We are going to practice the fast song today O!" Evelyn shouts already dancing to herself.

I laugh and quickly shake my head. "Of course, if that's not to much for you?" I ask still trying to get the paint off of my hands. "Yeah her class is right next to where my shoot is today it works out perfectly we can have a little girls day!" Lily cheers grabbing the keys to her car.

Life had been looking up. Axel was working his way up in the company. I was painting and getting more and more commissions on my art. Evie was getting really good at dance and Lily was becoming well known in the photography industry. Not to mention she was now engaged to her favorite model Shea, who was also planning on moving in with us.

Axel and I had gotten married three years ago and four months ago we were finally granted permission to adopt our little boy. Ace. He is now six months old and I don't regret the decision ever.

Giving my sister a kiss on the head, she runs ahead pulling the door open with all her strength as Lily checked her bag and followed her out.

As soon as the door shut the baby monitor starts going off. I curse to myself and wash my hands properly before running to the nursery where the baby had been sleeping.

Opening the door I flip the light on and the crying immediately softens. Smiling I lean over the crib waving to the child. "Hi baby" I coo and he lets out a giggle reaching up for me.

His tan skin such a contrast to mine. He is adorable though and I am so in love with him. "My little baby" I coo and he rolls onto his belly attempting to sit up and reach for me. He ultimately falls onto his back and let's out a whimper.

Picking Ace up I hold the baby to my chest and bounce us a bit not wanting him to get upset. Patting his back with one hand and holding his butt with the other. I removed a hand to touch his dirty blonde hair playing with it softly. It is so curly.

He giggles and reaches up playing with my dyed silver hair. "Yeah it's cool isn't it" I chuckle and he giggles again hearing my laugh. "Now why are you up, are you hungry?" He doesn't react to the word so I shrug it off.

"Do you wanna see daddy?" I ask and his face lights up as he sits up from my chest to look around. I protect his head and he still continues to look as I smile.

"Let's go find daddy" I smile walking through the house. "He's probably in the garage" I couldn't complain because I spent a lot of my time in my studio. As if he heard me the garage door flies open.

"The baby monitor was going off- oh you have him" he sighs a happy sigh before walking over to us. I get a kiss on the head before Ace turns and reaches for the man.

Axel happily takes Ace kissing one of his chubby cheeks before holding him to his chest. "Is he okay?" He asks rubbing his back. "I think he just wanted company" I guess rubbing the baby's tiny shoulder.

"It's fine I need husband and baby time anyways my cars can wait" he laughs as I'm handed the gurgling child. I lift Ace over my head peppering his face with kisses. Axel goes to close the door and washes his hands in the kitchen sink.

"Ubba!" The baby yells bending back to see his daddy. "I'm coming big boy" Axel smiles drying off his hands as I make my way to the couch. Relaxing on the arm of it I kiss my son's head a few more times and he starts to giggle reaching up to grab me.

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