Chapter 46

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"Okay listen up! Mr. Mo is a fun man as long as you don't piss him off, so let's be good children and not piss him off." Ms. Waters snaps her fingers getting our attention.

"Behind these doors is Mr. Mo's personal art gallery and when he's ready you'll be let in to meet him" she explains before going to the door herself. "Please try to mingle and get along with each other, I don't want to deal with drama and bull shit- I'm not scared to send you home" she continues before leaving through the door. I like her. Reminds me of Lily but more serious.

I looked around the extremely red room and smiled it was amazing. It didn't even feel real being here. I was in fucking California. I was in Texas like sixteen hours ago.

Lily had re-dyed my hair, a very dark purple. I believe it was called purple rain. I don't usually use such dark colors but I thought it contrasted well with my pale skin and freckles. I knew the others had started to talk, but I really didn't want to get hurt. I'd rather just do it alone. If they talk to me that's fine, but I ain't starting shit.

I pulled out my phone to find Lily had already texted me. Opening her messages I see a video, I already laughed before clicking it. "Hey Olive. It's me your best friend- Lily. I'm hoping since you're famous now, you won't forget me. Just remember how I-" "O! Hello- we is he! I do no see him! Com back! Togetha foevah!?" I put a hand to my mouth laughing at how cute my sister is.

I flip the camera on and cringe. "Eww," I tell myself before pressing record anyways. "First off me? Famous? You're the one that's Instagram famous. And to Evie, I love you and yes I'll come back soon. Together forever" I chuckle before ending the video and sending it.

I wait a few minutes before the three bubbles pop up. 'I'm going to ft you' I shake my head while answering. 'Why' I could practically sense her scoff. 'Dont question mother' before I could answer she was calling me, with a groan I answer.

"Sixteen hours, I've been gone" I laugh holding my phone up. "Listen here- Evelyn and I have run out of Octonauts episodes so I'm kind of losing my mind" she explains and I shake my head.

"Try Wild Kratz I've been getting into that" I chuckle and she gives me a pleased nod. "Evelyn! Come here!" Lily shouts and I cringe as the others look over to me.

"Before she gets here- the only reason I'm somewhat Instagram famous is because of my beautiful model" she raises her eyebrows and I roll my eyes. "I know you're not talking about me, definitely talking about Evelyn and Axel" I laugh and she narrows her eyes.

"Want to see Olive?" She asked and I could hear the squealing already. "Hey baby" I coo and her eyes widen. "I see em!" She shouts and I nod biting my lip.

"Hello!" She giggles and I give her a small wave. "Co back?" She asked and I shake my head. "In a bit, tonight we can FaceTime and I'll read your favorite, okay?" I tell her and she nods. "Give brother a kiss" Lily rubs her back and she blows me a kiss.

I quickly blow her one back before Lily gets in the camera again. "Okay I'll let you go now- I was just bored. Please make sure you eat- and stop being anti-social" she lectures me. "Wait how did you know I was-" she cuts me off. "Listen Olive you are literally... you're you. Mr. I hate people" she mocks me and I act shocked.

"I did not say that" I lie and she rolls her eyes. "You said yesterday, and last week-" this time I cut her off. "Bye" I hang up and put my phone away. I turn around surprised to find the other four people behind me staring.

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