Chapter 13

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I can't believe I actually agreed to leave her alone" I cry running out of my class to find Lily sprinting out of hers as well towards the entrance. "Okay- god... can't breathe. We should make it back before she wakes up if we go now" Lily pants leaning over her knees.

"Did we ask Axel?!" I shout starting to speed walk home. "Yeah he had class" she hisses and I start to panic. "What if she's up! What if she's scared and leaves the house looking!" I cry, my speed walking turning into a jog.

"Evelyn can't open doors yet, I'm sure she's fine" Lily gives me a sympathetic look and I take a deep breath still jogging. She's probably still sleeping. When I get there I'll wake her up and get her breakfast and head right back to class.

It's all going to be fine. I'm such a bad parent. I should have just taken her with me. Why didn't I take her with me? "Olive, calm down" Lily rests a hand on my shoulder and I give her a hurt look.

"Calm down! I'm no better than my parents" I grumble looking back to make sure I wasn't dropping anything. I was still exhausted, and I knew I was overworking myself. Besides, that Lily and Evie were happy and that made me happy.

The house comes into view and I sprint the rest of the way skipping the steps onto the porch. "Key?!" I ask putting my hand out, she fumbles with the key not even taking it off of her neck.

The front door opens and I bolt to my bedroom door. Letting out a sigh of relief when I see the baby laying on her tummy. Still fast asleep. I let out a broken noise, feeling awful and guilty.

Dropping my supplies onto the bed I look back to Lily who gives me a small smile before leaving. I lean over the bed and rub my hand over Evie's back. Her tiny arms stretch out and she rolls over onto her back rubbing her eyes.

Her mouth opens into a small yawn and I pull her up into my arms. "Good morning Evelyn" I coo kissing her head. She giggles reaching for my face. I get a pat on the cheek and she brings her hand back to her mouth.

"Let's go get breakfast" I hum straightening her up a bit. She stays silent and rests her head on my shoulder. "After breakfast, before I have to leave again, we can play with Daisy" I bounce her trying to make her wake up.

She sits up and I plop her onto the chair. "Ehh" she whines and I turn back to her arms raised. "Brother is getting your food" I remind her and she tears up as I turn to leave.

I grab the smallest bowl we've got from the cabinets and a spoon. I should have bought baby spoons, like those plastic things. I continued grumbling going to our pantry and pulling out the Cheerios.

I didn't put much in the bowl and immediately put the box back. Lily got the milk from the fridge handing it to me and I once again only put a little for the toddler.

Once everything was put away I put the bowl in front of Evie who was getting picked up by Lily as she set some books underneath her so she could reach the table.

I give her the smaller metal spoon and she happily takes it holding it weirdly as she attempted to feed herself. I gave up watching and took the spoon from her, wanting some of the cereal to actually be fed to her.

Taking a small spoonful I bring it to her mouth and she claps happily before putting it in her mouth. "Mo! Mo!" She blubbers and I nod bringing her another spoonful.

"Did you hear the new rumor around town?" Lily sighs sitting across from us. I continued to feed my sister shrugging. "Nope, and why would I care" I admit sick of their drama.

"Because it's about Evelyn" I stop and sit up looking at Lily. "I had somebody come and ask me if Evelyn was my daughter, I told them the truth which of course they didn't believe" she rolls her eyes and I nod my grip on the spoon tightening.

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