Chapter 32

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"Lily it's fine, I'm over my tantrum" I assure her, and she joins me on the couch as I watch the toddler dance to a Mickey Mouse sing along. She giggles and squeals and I smile knowing I found something else to make her happy. I know she's been getting bored lately.

"You know you're allowed to get mad, and I need to be better at understanding your emotions- because I do know that you don't like expressing yourself" she sighs looking over to me with a sad expression.

"Lily, I don't need a pep talk I'm okay, we're okay" I remind her and she smiles laying back against the couch. "I heard you and Axel yelling you know, it just kind of went quiet. I was so worried" she chuckles sadly, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"It's fine, he knew I needed to rant so he got me to yell and admit things I didn't want to admit, in the end it helped" I explain bringing my hand to my neck. "Why don't you just tell me about your trip?" I ask and she nods with a big smile.

"I got lots of pictures and met some other people from other schools, there was a school there from out of state- rich people I tell you!" She shouts and I chuckle at her complaints.

"Oh then there was this tan dirty-blonde boy, mmm he was yummy looking" she groans putting her hand in front of her mouth, closing her eyes to imagine him again. "So does that mean Shea isn't going to work?" I ask and she stops for a moment.

"I enjoyed the date and I think she did too- and don't get me wrong she's literally perfect. I'm scared of commitment" she laughs. I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Well you'll know she wants you if she asks you on the next date" I suggest and Lily nods looking to the ceiling,to think it over. "Yeah I'll keep talking to her, plus I can't give that ass and those thighs of hers up, but I'll let her ask me on the next date" she hyped herself up and I roll my eyes at her still perverse thoughts.

"Good for you" I joke and she nods with a wide smile. "Guess what else! While on the vacation I reached my goal of ten thousand followers!" She cheers and I hurry to get on my phone to check.

"Holy shit! Why didn't you text me!" I scroll through her profile smiling at all her pictures. Some were of random people she asked to photograph others were of me or Evelyn or both of us together.

"I wanted to surprise you!" She cheers and I smile looking through her newest pictures. One of my favorites was the butterflies flying together with the vivid flowers in the background.

I happen to see she used the dirty blonde boy as a model for one of the pictures and I will admit he was good-looking. Not exactly my type though. "You're right he is hot" I laugh shutting my phone off.

"I knowwww" she groans and Evelyn waddles in front of me standing in between my legs. "Are you done dancing?" I ask and she nods. "We should probably get you some lunch then" I whisper rubbing her head lightly.

We had a checkup yesterday and things seemed to be healing properly. "So what did you do when I was gone?" She asked the dreaded question I hoped she wouldn't ask because as my best friend I wanted to tell her everything but at the same time I felt like I shouldn't.

I stood and had Evelyn follow behind me. "Nothing much just hung out" I just force the words out and she stands following us. "Really nothing happened? I thought for sure there would be some heated make-out session or something. I wanted details!" She groans sitting up at the table.

I take the leftover chicken from the fridge and warm it up in the microwave before going back to grab the baby tomatoes. Evelyn waddles over to her chair piled high with books and pulls herself onto it.

"Well I mean... just give me a second and we can talk" I give in and she claps excited. "Yes! I fucking knew it" she cheers and I shake my head giving the baby a bowl of tomatoes.

The microwave beeps and I give her the plate of chicken as well before sitting across from Lily. "Details now!" She sings and I shake my head, face going red.

"So I'm going to start with the not-so-extreme thing that happen- while you were here actually" I blush touching my neck again. "Woah what!?" She asked leaning forward more. "When we were fighting the reason we went quiet is that he started kissing me, and then his hand went to my throat he didn't actually like squeeze or anything, but god da- darn it was so hot" I just start rambling on and on, quickly saving the curse word.

"Oh, he's a little rough one" she gasps getting all giddy. "God I hope so- thought we were about to have angry sex... I would have let him. The way he kissed me" I continue, getting hot just thinking about it.

"You're telling me the three days I'm gone you didn't get any action! What are you? An Angel of god!?" She asks groaning into her hands. "He go" Evelyn whispers handing me a tomato. "Thank you," I say quickly popping the thing in my mouth.

"Literally an hour after you left... I god. I was making us spaghetti, and he was just hugging me from behind. I felt it." She cut me off her eyes going wide. "Oh my god! Oh my god! You got him- oh my god!" She giggles literally about to flip out of the chair.

"Well I ended up pressing myself against him more and then I felt bad about leading him on more and I know how painful it can be- so I sucked him off" I finally get it out and she freezes.

I gave her a stroke. "Where! Where was the child at! How big was it- was it good, did you like it?" She starts to pester me with questions. I gulp nervously about answering the first one.

"There" I point over to the corner of the kitchen and her eyes became even wider. "Where was she?" She asked looking at the girl who was almost done with her food, dozing off. "On the couch watching tv..." I trail off as Lily snickers.

"You dirty dog" she smirks and I rub my eyes. "He was huge and it was just amazing. He let me have control, but then this one started calling for me so I had to stop and then make it quick... and I told him to take control and fu-fudge he was so good, he tasted amazing" I groan as my best friend claps and stands dancing around.

"I can't believe I told you that" she freezes and gives me a questioning look. "You always tell me about your guys" she looks a little hurt and I chuckle. "but I'm actually dating this one" I remind her and she nods. "That's true" she whispers.

"O?" My sister calls for me and I turn to look at her. "What's up?" I ask and she reached her hands forwards. "Sweepy" she yawns and I pull her into my arms. "Okay let me put you to sleep" I bounce her, saying small things here and there as I made my way into the bedroom.

Putting up a small pillow barrier before I set the child down. She laid on her back her tiny arms resting above her head. "I love you" I hum kissing her cheek. I got no reply as she drifted off to sleep moving a hand to her mouth.

I smile leaving the room, the door opened wide. Shutting the TV off I go back to Lily who still seemed to be contemplating what I said. "Dude you got a rough one" she sits there her face completely shocked.

"I know, but I honestly don't mind" I laugh before biting my nail. "Oh my god- I can't my heart can't- I'm such a proud mother!" She groans excitedly for me to fuck my boyfriend? I can't even tell with this girl.

"Let me take pictures of you two! Please" she begs and I shake my head. "You just changed the subject so fast" I chuckle. "I know but please, it will get all the pervy people in the comments off of you... maybe" She continues and I sigh.

"I'll text him and see if he wants to" I give in going to the couch to grab my phone. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She stands from the table dancing around like a maniac... again

"What the fuck did I just agree to"

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