Chapter 4

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"Olive I have an extremely important question" Lily knocks me out of my thoughts. Axel was being surrounded by tons of girls as always, but I couldn't stop my staring and how much I wished I was one of those girls.

"Hmm sorry, what was it?" I sighed shaking my head. She takes a deep breath before kneeling in front of me. "I'm very much gay" I remind her but she shakes her head reaching into her fanny pack.

Lily pulled out a ring pop and I roll my eyes. "Shit what are these! child proof!" She shouts trying to open it. "Lily proof" I laugh getting a glare. "You're making this not very romantic" she explains as I look her up and down. "You're 0n the ground with a ring pop trying to propose to a gay man, this was never romantic" I remind her.

"Man- ha, funny" she snickers as I open my mouth to insult her. "Finally!" She shouts, shoving the wrapper into her pocket. "Will you Olive... wait got to be formal... Oliver Slen move in with me, Lily Wrife, so neither of us will ever be lonely ever again." she asks and my face drops "wait are you serious!?" I gasp my eyes wide.

"You basically live with me anyway" she nods excitedly. My arms dropped to my side as I nodded my head vigorously, tears threatening to spill. "I'd like that" I laugh as she jumps up cheering.

"Oh wait I have to do the ring thing" she shouts going back down to one knee. I laugh shrugging while she forcefully takes my hand. I roll my eyes when she moves to my other hand. This girl has no idea what she's doing.

She finally gets it and slides the ring-pop onto my finger.  "We're skipping the engagement and stuff you're just moving in- slash married" she explains wiping the dirt off her knees.

I look at the ring anyways knowing that it meant so much more. Without thinking I jumped into Lily's unexpecting arms and hugged her tightly. "This means so much, thank you, Lily, thank you so much" I whisper as she chuckled patting my back. "I only regret not asking sooner, I should have never let you go back there" she scowls.

I shake my head just happy this was happening. "We'll find out a good time when your parents aren't home and we can grab some stuff... like spies" she pulls back and poses in a karate-like type move. Well, that moment is gone.

I laugh quickly wiping the tears that threaten to spill. "I never know when my parents are home" I groan, realizing this operation wasn't going to go well. "Murder? Arson?" She suggests getting a glare from me.

"What about Evelyn?" I ask crossing my arms and shifting my weight to one hip. "I will gladly take that adorable chubby-cheeked child in" she coos pretending to hug my year old sister. "And Jeremiah?" I continue my questioning.

"Homophobic, piece of shit can go down with them!" Her coos soon turning into threats. I can tell who her favorite sibling is. "Do you think Evie will be alright with your parents?" She whispers keeping her head down. "As long as she's not gay they should be fine" I chuckle. "She's going to be devastated" I mumble starting to bite at my nails.

Lily takes my hand and gives me my other. "Suck on the ring pop instead, no biting" she lectures me as I look to the side. "I know, I'm sorry" I groan. I do what she says anyway and feel like an absolute toddler. "You just have to practice for the big game" she laughs causing me to choke on my spit.

"I might kill you" I hit my chest trying to stop my choking. "I feel like you make this threat every day" she pats my shoulder while I lean over hands on my knees. "One day, I'm really going to do it" I spit out as she laughs at me.

"Speaking of big game" her laugh goes silent and a smirk spreads across her face. "Huh?" I ask straightening up. She looks to the side and her hand discreetly points at me? "Me?" I ask pointing to myself. Her face drops. "You are an actual idiot- behind you!" She shouts before quickly pretending she didn't say or see anything.

I was confused but looked over my shoulder to find Axel pushing through the girls and coming over to us. Like we were some sort of disease the girls stopped following him when he got within a ten-foot range.

I turned back to Lily with wide eyes. "Stop freaking out, he's our friend rememberrr" she leans closer, only pulling away as Axel joins our group. "Hey" his voice was calm, but I was panicking. We've only been friends for a few weeks and I still wasn't one hundred percent comfortable.

"Hello" I smile looking over at him. "Hey!" Lily cheers standing in front of us. "So what were you guys over here celebrating" he laughs as I blushed embarrassed realizing he saw all that. "I'm saving Olive from-" My eyes go wide as I try to quiet Lily I don't want him knowing about my family! "I'm moving in with Lily, she asked me to and I said yes" I explain flailing my hands around as I talked.

"I thought you guys already lived together?" He sounds surprised and I scratch the back of my neck nervously, careful not to use the ring pop hand. "I'm just over a lot" I mumble getting a strange look from Lily. I turn a bit so only she can see my eyes. I just give her a look and she drops it.

  "Are you sure you wanted to leave your fans over there?" Lily asks as I turn back to the group listening, but not really listening. I brought the ring pop back to my mouth and just thought. I can't trust anyone that easily. Who knows what they could do if they got my trust. The whole school would have their way with me if I gave him my trust... I need to talk to Lily too.

"I hate when girls throw themselves onto me... well people in general, but I'm also not the type of person who's just going to tell them all off- probably will have to eventually" he explains and I look up to him, finding his eyes already on me.

"One of the reasons, I wanted to hang out with you more than anyone else is because first off, I don't want to go through college completely alone, and second neither of you forced yourself onto me" his eyes stayed focused on me the whole time.

I nodded showing I was listening to his words but took the ring pop from my mouth. A loud popping noise came from my lips, making me blush in embarrassment. "Half the time you can tell by their looks how they act" I add looking between the two. "Yeah that's the thing with small towns, worst part is we don't fit into it lol" Lily rolls her eyes trying to make it seem like it didn't hurt.

"I already know they find me attractive, but I'm not the type you take home to your parents, they just see some new guy who is different from the others" he chuckles looking back to the group of girls chatting around each other.

"So when are you moving in?" He changes the topic looking at me again. "Oh well we don't know when I'm getting my stuff from my house, but I'll probably just stay with her anyways" I fumble through the words not wanting to give away too much.

"Well if you need help with anything, I'd love to help," he tells us, and I open my mouth to say no. "That would be great, we need all the help we can get!" She claps her hands extremely excited. "Okay cool, just tell me when- I've got to get going to class then, so I'll see you soon" he gives us a small wave and a very... very hot smile.

I turn back to Lily and fan myself. "He's so h-" she cuts me off and starts shaking my shoulders. "Holy actual shit" she practically screams and I put a hand over her mouth to shut her up. "What?" I whisper-shout giving her wide eyes.

"The way he was staring at you while you... oh my god, I just watched a bl!" She fangirls as I stare at her with worry. "You're going to get railed by that man- I'm calling it!" She sings doing a little dance.

"Okay first off shush, second off I'm supposed to be mad at you right now because... you fucking invited him to my house! Third, what if I'm not a bottom!" I shake her shoulders like she did to mine earlier.

"You're hilarious"

"I tried..."

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