Chapter 25

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I had the banner sprawled out across the yard and was on my knees doing light pencil sketches scared to actually make any contact with the banner. Evelyn had her tiny pool set up and was next to me splashing around with her plastic rings.

The familiar burr of a motorcycle engine made me look up and I smiled as he pulled into our driveway. I feel like Lily should actually tell me before inviting him, so we can actually agree and not just me being surprised every time.

I looked to Evelyn who was squealing because someone else was here. She pointed with wide excited eyes. "Yeah Axel is here" I tell her and she gurgles standing from her little pool.

I lean over again and start to draw watching my sister out of the corner of my eye hugging my boyfriend's leg. He picks her up and walks over my way and I go back to my drawing.

"Nice ass" the first words he says to me. I sit up giving him a glare. "Yeah thanks I made sure to do my squats today" I grumble and he laughs setting the baby down.

She stumbled back over to her toys as he came over to me leaning down and giving me a quick kiss. "Hi" he smiles and I reply with a chuckle "hi" he sits next to me picking up my rough draft with big eyes.

"Well shit- I'm dating an actual artist" he mumbles making me blush. I check the kiddy pool behind me to see my sister getting back in her hair covering her eyes as she frantically brushed it away.

"Did Lily tell you to come check on me?" I ask and he nods studying my painting even more. "I just got done with my last class of the day and she was going in for another one" he continued mumbling looking to closely at the parting.

"Stopppp the more you look at it the more flaws you'll see" I groan taking the painting from him. "That's not true" he huffs now looking over my shoulder to study it. "Yes it is" I argue and he shakes his head.

"The more I look at you the more handsome you get" he flirts kissing my now insanely red face. "O!" I turn back to my sister in a panic, but of course she was fine and I was just overreacting.

"What time is it?" I ask looking to my boyfriend. Hs pulled out his phone and clicked it on. "Five- fourteen" he nods and I sigh mad that I didn't get anything done on the poster except some tiny tracing.

Standing up I brush off my pants before turning straight into Axel. He puts his arm around me and kisses my cheek. I look at him with a shocked look only realizing after that he had took a picture.

"Delete it" I say bluntly and he laughs looking at it more. "Awe you're so cute when your mad" he continues chucking like the idiot he is. "Delete it" I say again rolling up my banner.

He continued tapping away at his phone. "Nope- but now I've got a nice lock screen" he holds it up for me to see. I didn't want to admit it was a cute picture. I looked absolutely disgusted by the fact that he was kissing me though and it was hard not to laugh.

"Okay now delete it... please?" I plead more this time. Checking over the banner, I put it over my shoulder as he looks at his phone then me. "No thanks" he shrugs. "Fine then, I'm just going to delete it when I get your phone" I warn him taking the banner into the house.

"You wouldn't dare" I could see him still eyeing me as soon as I came outside. "Come on Evelyn, we need to get inside away from the big scary man" I coo and she stands giggling to herself.

I pull her out of her pool and she waddles straight to the big scary man. I took her toys out and moved them onto the porch to dry. Then dragging her pool closer to the house trying to keep as much water in it as possible.

"Let's get you changed" I sigh going over to grab the girl. She smiles reaching up for me. "Are you coming in or leaving?" I ask and he stops staring at his phone to look at me.

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