Chapter Sixty-eight: The battlefield of war

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3rd Person

"How are we not making any headway?!?!" Radna slams his hand down on the arm rest glaring down at the kneeling creatures who were the leaders of his troops. "We are only dealing with a few hundred HUMANS who can barely fight against our creatures and we haven't even broken through their defenses?!!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?"

Malice poured off of him in waves causing the air around him to turn pitch black. Each of the leaders attempted to make themselves as small as possible as they cowered before him. 

"You." Radna points at the creature in the middle who tensed up under his scrutiny and carefully looked up but did not meet his lord's eyes. "Explain. Now." 

They may not have numbers, Your Majesty; but they have been utilizing strange techniques which have been keeping our forces at bay.

The leader waves its hand, beckoning forward the same small creature that had managed to live for another day who was currently trembling at the sight of Radna. It quickly moves forward and kneels, lifting up a thin wire covered in blood above it's head as an offering. 

Radna raises an eyebrow as he closely examined the wire, his malice still suffocating the creatures around him. 

"Hmm...." He pulls back, thinking hard for a moment until he starts laughing.

 Each of the creatures flinch at Radna's sudden laughter; fear becoming even more prominent the longer he laughed. He finally grows quiet, his hand covering the wide crazy smile which reached up to his ears, revealing sharp pointed teeth.

The room was entirely silent, only the heartbeats of the creatures could be heard as Radna stood before them. Each creature flinches as he released a sigh and stretched out his wings.

"She's becoming more and more interesting...." He mumbles under his breath before waving away the leaders of his troops.

"I don't care how many it takes." Radna's words freezes the leaders mid-step, his voice echoing softly. "Break through their defenses and bring the Witch to me." 

The leaders turn and bow before partially running to escape from their lords imposing nature. 



"Any sight of them?" I ask Kimbra as we step out onto the wall once more. 

"No." She sighs, brushing her braids away from her face. "They retreated some time ago...." Kimbra trails off as I felt her watching me. 


"Everything will be fine." she thumps me on the back. "So wipe that look off your face." 

"What look?" I raise an eyebrow at her comment. 

"The one where you want to run to Celestia and hide her away from the world." Kimbra accurately hits the only thing that I've been trying to avoid thinking about. 

I clenched my teeth at her comment, earning a sigh. 

"Celestia is a very capable Witch and since the two of you are working together, that means she is much safer then when she was kidnapped." Kimbra states matter-of-factly, shaking her head a little. "Trust her."

"I know." I looked over the wall, towards the trees. "I do trust her."

We both pause as the sound of a horn reaches our ears.

"Phase two." I look over at Kimbra who nods. "I leave the rest to you."

"Have fun." Kimbra's voice fades behind me as I jumped off the wall, landing on the ground with a soft thud. 

"I plan to." I rest a hand on the hilt of my sword as I leisurely walked towards the horde of creatures.


3rd person

"Wow....." A solider exclaims at the sight of Emperor Alaric fighting the hundreds of creatures that surged towards the wall. "Amazing."

He was not the only one amazed, every person on the wall couldn't help but watch as Alaric displayed his fighting skills on the battlefield; effortlessly dismembering creatures that dared to attempt to touch him.

Even covered in blood and mud, Alaric instilled a sense of pride in his troops that shook them to their bones. 

"Archers! Ready your bows!" Kimbra's voice rang out over the sounds of metal and shrieks of the creatures  below. "Notch!" 

The soldiers steady themselves as archers pointed their arrows to the sky; keeping their spears aimed for any creatures that climbed up the wall. 


Crunch! Crunch! 

Sounds of stone getting crushed could not drown out Kimbra's next words:



The soldiers release a battle cry as creatures poked their heads up over the edge of the wall, stabbing them and causing the first round of creatures to fall back down over the growing numbers of creatures that surrounded the wall. 

"Archers, Fire at will!!!" Kimbra shouts as she pulled out her swords, slicing clean a creatures head from it's body in one fluid movement. 


The battle remained a deadlock for sometime until Kimbra shouts once more. 


The soldiers which had been towards the back stepped up, reaching into burlap sacks and pulling out stones. The stones glowed for a second before it was thrown over the wall, falling on top of creatures who looked confused for a moment before continuing up the wall. 

A few seconds pass as the stones glow brighter until they erupt into a fiery ball of flames that quickly spread a few years away from the wall, consuming all the creatures that happened to be there. 

Kimbra shoves a creature backwards, smirking at the sight as a little bit of surprise crossed her face.

"I didn't expect that to work so well." Kimbra says to herself. 


A few days prior, she had watched as Celestia poured a foul smelling liquid onto the ground as she spoke with a few soldiers. 

  "Make sure that you don't track any of this to the other side." Celestia warned. "Once this catches fire, it will be very dangerous." 

"Do I want to know where you came up with this idea?" Kimbra raised an eyebrow at Celestia. 

"Nope." Celestia smiled only with her mouth as a hard look entered her eyes. "You really don't."

Hey! It's your favorite author!!!!! Sorry everyone for the late posting! I had posted my last chapter right before my vacation and enjoyed myself for seven days in sunny Florida but came back to a serious writers block for this chapter. 

I had a hard time getting the words to flow out and it ended up being almost two weeks before I could finally start writing again. And of course I ended up rewriting it a few times cause it didn't sound right in my head. 

But I'm glad to see all of you again! Next chapter shouldn't be as bad... (Knock on wood).

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