Chapter Thirty-eight: Reunion?

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Note: Violence, cussing and some suggestions of sexual harassment

And a special thank you to AyuzawaMistuki, Delunaria, and lawonnwai24 for posting those messages! I love reading them and I love reading everyone elses comments on the chapters as well! So this chapter is for all you guys! Enjoy!

I struggled hard against the chains as I floated down into Radna's arms. 

"Let go, you son of a-!" I tried to kick out as he wrapped his hands around my waist, wincing a little as the chains dug into my skin.

"I've been looking for you." He forces my head up to meet his eyes. "At last we meet." 

I stared into his blood red eyes, finding it hard to look away when there was a sudden crash behind me. I turned my head; ignoring my neck muscles that protested against the movement, to see a creature falling down while covered in fire.

It was like everything stopped as the flames parted to reveal Alaric standing there with a unreadable expression on his face. Our eyes connected and I immediately knew that he had remembered and was Super  p*ssed at me. 

I was both extremely happy and terrified at the sight of him standing here; but I could tell that a lecture was coming after all this.

"Release her now." Alaric did not ask but demanded coldly, bringing the phrase to my head 'If looks could kill' from how hard he glared at Radna. But he was unaffected and laughed at Alaric's face.

"I don't think so." Radna turns me around and smashes my back into his muscled chest and gropes my chest suggestively as he lowers his head to the curve of where my neck meets my shoulder and nips it causing me to flinch. "She is not escaping me again."

I attempted to knock my head into his, but he pulls away in one fluid motion and smirks as I glared at him. "Don't you dare touch me again!" 

Alaric starts to march forward but is stopped by the sheer number of creatures. He and the others that I had barely noticed started to fight; but I didn't have the luxury to sit and watch due to Radna lifting his wings to cover my view.

"I can touch you however I want." He releases the chains that bound me and I quickly tried to retreat but even though his wings looked just like bird- they were extremely strong. It also didn't help that he had three pairs of them.

"Like H*ll!!!" I lashed out, intending on punching him right in his ruggedly handsome face but he easily catches it and pins my hand behind my back which caused me to once again be pressed against his body. "Let go of me!" I stomped down hard with my heeled boots onto his feet but he was unfazed.

I held my face away from him as much as possible, leaning backward as his face closed in. His next words cause my blood to freeze.

"Your not from this world... Are you?" 

I stared at him in shock as the pit of my stomach dropped. 'HOW!!?!???!?!!?!?!?!?' I internally screamed inside my head as he chuckled at my reaction. Then Radna leans in close and whispers: "Did you think that you would be the only one to know the 'Truth'?"

"H-how?" I stutter as he played with my hair.

"This isn't the first time I have done this." He kiss the lock of hair, staring at me with an strange light within his eyes. "I have played this role many times-but once I realized that there was someone who wasn't doing their part, I realized that I did not have to stay in that role."

He pauses, glancing over his wings to observe Alaric and the others.

"But I was only free if I was with that person." He looks back down at me as a memory rushed back into my head.


It took us a long time to find you little Witch. The demon from the night I was ambushed at home six years ago says leisurely. My master wants to speak with you.


You pack a surprising wallop. No wonder Master told me to be careful....


Master didn't say what kind of a state you needed to be.


"You were the one. The one that demon was talking about." I shudder at the memory as he leered down at me.

This shouldn't be possible! Even though my situation has been told multiple times in Isekai novels and mangas- there were very few instances where there would be characters in the fictional world itself that knew that their world was just a novel.

Radna finally releases my wrist as I again put as much space between us as possible while rubbing the handprint that was left behind. 

"I realized that you weren't the same since a few events hadn't happen with the so-called 'hero'." He scoffs at the word. "And I found myself watching you. I figured since you were supposed to be killed that night, I could take you for myself." 

 His wings starts to press inwards, causing me to pushed closer to Radna. "You managed to get away. I tried sending creatures after you and to kill that boy." He mocks Alaric with a sneer. "But once again, you escaped."

He grabs me by the neck and lifts me up, my feet dangling in the air.

"I wasn't expecting you to come here." He says as I tried to break his grip, struggling to breathe. "This time, your not going anywhere."

"TIA!!!!!" Alaric's voice echoes in the cave, which meant he was able to see me. 

Radna laughs as he looked behind me before releasing his grip, causing me to fall down to the floor in a heap.

I could do nothing gasp and cough at the sudden intake of oxygen as I laid there, my vision staring to be watery from the shock. I could tell that Alaric was getting closer and closer from how loud the sounds of fighting and his yelling for me were.

However, I was unable to do anything against what happen next.

I glanced over to see Alaric not even a stone's throw away from me, his face full of anger and concern when I was pulled back up to my feet by a rough hand and forcibly kissed by Radna- his tongue shoving itself into my mouth as his other hand held my head in place. 

How the Emperor trapped a WitchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin