Chapter Six: Punishment for idiots

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Note: some cuss words at beginning of chapter.

"I don't need permission to do as I pleased." I retort as I blocked and swept his legs out from under him.  "You need to learn manners." 

"You B****!!" the brute swears wiping mud off his face. "Grab her!"

His two friends surround me but was interrupted as the crowd moves aside.

"What's going on here?" The captain of the guards says as she stares down the three men and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing." the first man huffs, glaring at me as he shows a sleazy smile at the captain. "Was just trying to have some fun."

"Have fun somewhere else." The captain says sharply, intimidating them into submission. "Go."

"Watch your back." They quickly pass by Alaric and I with their tails between their legs and the crowd cheered before dissipating. 

"Is the boy alright?" I look up to see the captain looking at us.

"Yes, he's fine." I lightly bowed my head. "Thank you Captain Kimbra. For interfering." 

"It is my job to keep the peace." She says, glancing over at Alaric and slightly frowns. 

Captain Kimbra was a former Royal Knight who retired to the country side some years ago. She is quite literally the definition of tsundere; when I had first moved here- she kept an eye on me and more or less said that I was not allowed to use magic for any reason inside the town. Over time,  she has warmed up to me and has even asked questions about magic as well.

So I was really grateful to her for coming and helping me out.

"Would you like to join us for supper, Captain Kimbra?" I asked after healing the bruise on Alaric's face. "I would like to introduce you to Alaric."

She looks us up and down as I gave her my most enchanting smile- knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist. Captain Kimbra nods and we enter the inn to sit at the far corner.

"Alaric, this is Captain Kimbra. She's in charge of guarding the town here." I wave down a waiter and ordered. They both nodded at each other as the waiter took their orders and left.

"Where did the boy come from?" Captain Kimbra asked, not missing a thing. I sighed and explained how we had met. "I see." 

Our food comes in and only the sound of clinking silverware and voices of the other patrons  could be heard.

"While I do not believe it is a wise thing to leave the boy in the presence of a Witch." Captain Kimbra says once we were done and glances over at Alaric. "But since he seems to willing to stay- then I have no comments."

"Thanks Kimbra." I sighed in relief; this meant that she was allowing Alaric to be staying with me since in this kingdom- abandoned or orphaned children had to go to the Church.

"This is against my better judgement. But the boy has a choice." Captain Kimbra waves me off, her brown skin dark around her cheeks. "Do you have a question for me boy?" she asks, noticing that Alaric was staring at her.

"Will you teach me swordsmanship?"

"Swordsmanship?" Captain Kimbra and I share a look. "Why do you want to learn swordsmanship?"

"I wan-need to become stronger." He answers, an unusual look in his eye.  Captain Kimbra looks at me again and I nod: I had no intention of stopping Alaric from learning something that he will need in the future.

"I am a tough Master- I won't care if your a child or not. I expect that won't be a problem?"

"No." Alaric confirms. I smile and ruffle his hair at his response.


It was nightfall and snow continued to fall softly onto the ground. A door opens and closes as whispers broke up the silence followed by heavy thuds on the stairs. The thuds stop next to the door which housed the Witch and the boy.

There was a soft click as someone expertly picked the lock and opened the door; four men enter the room and head for the two beds. Then suddenly, there was a rapid movement and the men were all bound and gagged into struggling heaps.

"Well, that was easy." Celestia, Alaric and Captain Kimbra appears out of the corner and stand over the men.

"Predictable." Captain Kimbra sighs in disappointment as she hand me three coppers. We had made a bet on whether the men would attempt to attack us in the morning or at night- which I had won.

"What are you planning on doing with them?" Alaric glares at the man who had grabbed me and kicks him. 

"Since they broke into a locked room and attempted to assault a unarmed civilian- they'll be flogged. A good punishment for idiots." the captain knocks on a wall and two guards come in to take the men away.

"I will see you in two days, boy." She says, shutting the door behind her.

"Let's head for bed now Alaric." I yawned, putting a protection spell on the room. "Got to pick up your books and head back."

"Good night Tia." Alaric gets into one bed as I flopped on the other. 

"Good night Alaric." I murmur, I was surprisingly tired. 

At the time, I didn't know that Alaric did not fall asleep right away and stayed up staring at me the entire time. 


I watched Celestia sleep without a care as I thought about today's events: I was angry. Angry at the fact that I let her see me be weak, that I had caused her to be so worried, that I couldn't even take care of small fries. I was very angry that someone else had touched and left their mark on her.

I had grown weak- spoiled by her kindness.

I knew that Captain Kimbra had guessed who I was, by the look on her face. She had pulled me aside after supper to question me.

"Do you intend on dragging Celestia with you?" She demanded- since she was a former Royal Knight: she knew of the prophecy and what my future would become. 

"I have no intention of leaving Tia. Do not interfere." I commanded her- one of my skills as the future Emperor. "I will tell her on my own time."

"I will be watching then." Captain Kimbra says stiffly, unable to resist. 

I got up and sat on the bed next to Celestia, playing with her hair. I know that for right now, I am unable to protect myself properly much less adding her as well. Which is why I requested to have swordsmanship classes.

I need to keep unsealing my skills and become stronger to be able to protect Celestia in the future.

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