Chapter Five: Life with Alaric

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Note: There is some mild cussing towards the end of this chapter.

It's been about five months since Alaric came to live with me.

He suddenly had a growth spurt a couple weeks in and now looks like a healthy twelve year-old kid. He still eats a lot, but he also cooks every now and then; mostly due to a comment I had made when he was helping me with making dinner one night.

"It's nice to have someone else cook for a change." I had said. After that, he would ask me to teach him some different recipes and he would cook them. I liked watching him as he cooked, even though at first- it didn't taste very good. 

"Looks delicious!" I praised him as he sets down the bowls of soup. "Mushroom and rice soup is one of my favorites." 

I patted Alaric on the head as he sat down across from me.  He seems to really like me patting him and I couldn't resist at how cute he reacted.

"Hey Tia?" He hesitates as we cleaned the dishes. 

"What's up?"

"Why don't you have a familiar?"

I paused for a moment and sighed. "Must of heard that from Quinn huh."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to!" He quickly retracts his question at my sigh. "I had read that witches were required to have a familiar after their training..."

"Well, that's true. I did have one." I smiled softly at him. "But there are times when witches outlive their familiars."

I walk out the door and headed for the garden. In the far corner, there was a wisteria tree with a small stone marker nestled against it's trunk.  I brushed off a few leaves and set some flowers down that I picked before hand.

"His name was Lex." I sat down on and patted a spot next to me. "He was a shapeshifter. They don't have specific shape but he preferred to be a cat."

"I made a contract with him over 135 years ago. I had met him when I was fifteen and we were together for 70 years." 

A breeze shifts the branches of the wisteria and I brushed some of my hair away from my face.

"He was a pain, always nagging." I said, not noticing the look on Alaric's face. "But he was my best friend. However, I lived in a different country which persecuted witches and when I was escaping; he protected me and died in my place."

I lightly touch the stone with sad smile, remembering his nagging voice when I would forget to clean up my books. I may of recalled my past life a few years ago; but I did live in this world as Celestia for a long time, so those memories were just as important as my previous ones.

"After Lex's death- I didn't sign another contract." I sighed again. "I kind of felt like I was trying to replace him so I held off and now it's been 65 years." I chuckled.

Alaric didn't say a word and held my hand, transferring his warmth which caused me to tear up. I didn't have a chance to cry at the time and I later would push the feelings away.

"Thanks Alaric." I smile at him after a few minutes. "I've never really talked about Lex to anyone. Quinn never asked."

"Sorry Tia." Alaric kept ahold of my hand as we stood up. "I didn't know that would make you cry."

"Everyone needs to cry every now and then. " I reassured him. "Lets go inside. It's starting to get cold out."


"Ready to go?" I ask Alaric as I put on my gloves. We were heading out for another trip into town with some more potions and medicine; winter was always easiest time for people get sick. I had planned to go the other day, but there was a lot of heavy snow which made traveling troublesome.

I was taking Alaric with me since I was planning on staying there for a night, mostly since I wanted to let him pick out a few books- he has already read through most of the books at home outside of my Grimoire and a few other dangerous books in my study.

"Ready." Alaric opens the door for me and we step out into the snow. Detailed snow flakes floated in the wind as we walked down the forest path, our footsteps silenced by the layers of snow.

I had also casted a warming spell on the both of us so it was more an enjoy walk. An hour later we reached the town and passed through the gates. 

"Let's check in first Alaric." I lead the way smiling back at him. I got a room at the inn and we dropped off our things. "The bookstore is just down the block. I'll be heading to the apothecary."

"I can help you carry some of the bags." Alaric says reaching to do so.

"It's okay Alaric." I wave him off and toss him a small pouch that clinked as he caught it. "Use that for anything else- I might be a while."

I patted him on the head again before walking off; secretly placing a protection spell on him so I would know if something were to happen. I entered the apothecary, the familiar smell of herbs and medicines tickled my nose. 

"Welcome." The old man looked up from the book he was reading. "Ah! Miss Celestia! It is good to see you. Beautiful as always."

"Hello Carl." I smiled as I placed my bags on the counter. "Have you been well?" 

To be honest- I look exactly the same as I did in my past life. Of course, I no longer need to wear glasses and my short hair is now very long & silvery but no matter what I do, I can't cut my hair at all. Seriously, my hair grows back the very next day- total H*rry P*tter vibes.

And adding the fact that I am a witch since apparently that causes people to 'bewiched' whether I want them to or not. It's a pretty big hassle, so that's why I stay in small towns and keep up my hood to not attract attention. 

Alaric of course, isn't affected since he is the male lead.


After a few minutes of haggling, I left the apothecary and walked down the street. A few townspeople were also out and about so I nodded at them whenever I made eye contact.

'Where is Alaric?' I wondered after checking in the bookstore for him. I didn't want to cast a spell in town, so I kept looking until I noticed a commotion near the inn.

The closer I got I could tell that there seemed to be a fight going on. I peeked around the townspeople, a little curious until I saw Alaric sitting on the ground with a bruised cheek.

"Alaric!" I quickly rush forward to him until I was grabbed from behind.

"Look who we have here!" the brute who grabbed me says with a smirk, pulling me over to him the smell of alcohol coming from his mouth. "Is she your sister?"

"Let go of me." I tried to free my wrist from his strong grip causing my hood to slip down.

"Ooo!!" the man cat-calls forcing my face up with a bloodied hand. "Your a beaut! How about we let your little brother go home and we have some fun."

"H*ll no." I wrench my face away from him and kicked him hard in the shin. "I don't date guys who harm kids."

"Alaric. Are you okay?" I quickly check on him lightly brushing my thumb against his cheek. 

"I'm fine." he winces at my touch. "Are you okay?"

"I'm-" I get interrupted by that brute who had recovered.

"What the H*ll." He rages. "Don't think that just because your pretty- that I won't do anything to you!"

"Let's go Alaric." I ignored the man's blustering. 

"Who said that you could leave?" 

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