Chapter Twenty-seven: Punishment for a Witch

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I woke up with a splitting headache, holding my head and releasing a long groan as I curled up into a ball.

"Tia?" A deep familiar voice calls my name causing me to look bleary eyed at it's owner. "How you feeling?"

"Like I slammed my head into a rock." I sat up and accepted the steaming mug of tea that was offered. "Thanks Alaric."

"Of course." He sits down next to me. "You feel like eating?"

"Maybe a little." I sighed before taking a sip.  

"How much do you remember?"

"Hmmm...." I mulled over while swirling the tea in my mouth. " I remember using magic to cause that creature to fall down the cliff.. And learning Barrett's & Blair's names... But that's it."

"I see." Alaric sets a tray on my lap, a warm bowl of soup and some bread rested besides it.

I paused as I adjusted the tray a little. "Was I asleep for a while? Where are we?" I asked while spooning up some soup.

"Two days and we are back at the town staying in the inn."

"Two days?!" I choked on the soup in surprise. I knew that I had overused my magic, but I didn't realize how much.  "How embarrassing... I'm sorry for the trouble I caused."

"It's fine Tia." Alaric brushes my hair away from my face. "I'm just glad that you are alright... Though you aren't getting away scot-free. You need to be punished."

I raised an eyebrow at his comment but he doesn't elaborate and gestures for me to continue to eat. Alaric's silence continues as he took the tray away once I was done. 

"Alaric?" I found myself suddenly being pushed down onto the bed as he leaned over me. "W-what are you doi-" 

He presses his mouth against mine as his tongue brushed against my parted lips and tangled with my tongue. I stared at him with wide eyes as this happened, my brain freezing while I tried to process this moment. 

Surprisingly, I didn't hate that he was kissing me: it felt comforting and a little exciting. I found myself relaxing and trying to follow his movements when he suddenly releases me. 

I gaped at him as he breathed heavily, looking extremely satisfied. "That was punishment?" 

"Makes you wonder what a reward would be like... Doesn't it?" He smirks and gets up, leaving the room.

'ajkfljaiofjiejaoifejjfja;jeajeofj;ajfoajf;aijfajkf;jajjfoajfja!!!!!!!!!!' I internally scream, covering my hot face with my hands. 'Holy freaking-' I inhaled deeply to try to calm myself.  "He kissed me." I whispered as the memory of his lips heats my face up more. "Alaric kissed me...."

I paused as my statement echoed in my head. Alaric had kissed me; that wasn't supposed to happen at all. I'm the evil witch that was supposed to die in the beginning of the novel- not the heroine, not even a side character.

 I quickly sat up, my feet hanging off the bed.

Many thoughts started to form inside my mind as the pieces of the puzzle came together. Moments of our time flashed past: The way his facial expression towards me changed as he grew older, his actions to help me with the forbidden sigil, his reaction once I returned and what had just happened a few minutes ago flooded my mind until they settled into one clear picture.

Alaric was in love with me.

There was no other way to explain it; I may be in-experienced in love but even I could understand after that. But he wasn't supposed to be mine. He can't be mine.

Alaric has his soulmate that he hasn't even met yet; there was no way that he would choose me once he did. 

I felt a sharp prick in my chest at that thought and sighed, finally realizing that I also love him. Alaric has become really important to me overtime and I had subconsciously buried that deep inside my head because I was scared: I've been rejected once in my past life- I didn't want to go through that in this one.

But now, I couldn't hide that anymore now that I am aware of it. I held my head in my hands for a moment before straighten up- I had to do something.

I reached for my wand and held it in my hand for a moment, rolling it in my palm. It was risky and I wasn't entirely sure that it was going to work, but it was better then doing nothing.


"Tia?" I came in with another tray, setting it on the bedside table. "I've brought you some supper."

"Thanks Alaric." Tia looks up at me with a smile but I could sense that something was wrong. 

"Is everything alright?" I ask, finding myself staring at her still swollen lips.  

"Well..." She trails off, not meeting my eyes. "Not exactly."

"Is it because I kissed you?" I sat down next to her and gently took her hand. "I know that I said it was a punishment, but it was more of an excuse to touch you."

"I know."

I paused at her statement, noting that she still wouldn't meet my eyes. "I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time Tia: I-"

"I know Alaric." She cuts me off and finally looks me in the eyes; allowing me to see that they were red and swollen from tears. "I'm the same."

"Really?!" I felt excitement running through my body as I hugged her tightly. "You really do lo-"

"Yes." Tia interrupts me again, lightly pushing my shoulders away after a moment. "Which is why I had to do this."

"Do wha-" I started to ask, confused when she rests the tip of her wand against my temple.

"Forget." A light appears, blinding me. "Forget everything, of me and our time together."

"Tia...?" I reached for her as my world fades into darkness.

"I'm sorry." was the last words that I heard as warm tears fell onto my outstretched hand.


Knock knock

"Alaric?" Kimbra's voice comes after the sound of knuckles on wood. "You awake?"

"I'm wake." I sleepily respond and sat up in the bed, rubbing my head. "I'll be down in a minute."

I swung my legs out and tied my laces of my boots once my feet were inside. I grabbed my bag then slung it over my shoulder as I reached for the door knob and paused.

I glance back at the bed, with it's rumpled sheets thrown to the side and felt a hard pang. It felt like I had been kicked in the chest. It took me a few moments start breathing normally. I reached for the knob again but that feeling did not return. I closed the door, refusing to look back again. 

I walked down the stairs and glanced over the group that waited below. Barrett and Nolo nods as Reid greets me with a hello and Blair sashays over to my side- linking an arm around mine.

"All accounted for?" I looked at Kimbra who nods. "Let's go."

Barrett opens the door of the inn for the rest of us as we stepped out, not a single person remembering that there was a seventh person that had arrived with us.

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