Chapter Nine: Demons attack

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Note: There is minor swear words throughout the chapter and implications of sexual assault and violence.


I woke up confused as my barrier alarm goes off, echoing my room. 

RUMBLEEEEE!!!!! CRASH!!!!!!!!!

The sounds go off again and I fall out of bed, rushing to the window. I could see my barrier shaking from the force of the attacks, I wave my hand to activate the many traps around the house as I run down stairs out the door and into the barn. 

I had sent Star, the three goats, and chickens to the town so that they were out of the way. I climb up to the loft and opened the window; I had stored prepared spells and extra magic stones here as my vantage point. 

I crouched down and waited for my attackers to show themselves. My barrier continues to hold for a few more minutes until it shatters like glass, the pieces disappearing before hitting the ground.  

I could feel my heart pounding as I heard the demons laughter and jeering. The trees shook when they passed by from their demonic aura which contaminated the air around them. The first few demons appeared, small imps which cackled when they started small fires in the grass.

Soon minor and lesser demons follow suit, kicking the imps out of the way and bowing back towards the trees. My breath hitches suddenly as the one they are waiting for appears, the leaves falling black around it.

It was a higher demon. It was smaller then the demon I had fought a few years ago but it's strength was hundred times that. The stronger a demon is, the more human it looks.

 Long curved horns protruded out of the temples of its rugged face, it's hair carefully braided down his back with bat-like wings on either side. Black tattoo's stood out against his pale skin which didn't compare to Quinn's. 

'SH*T!!!' I shouted in my mind, starting to panic. 'SH*T! SH*T!' 

A witches true strength came from how long they have lived. A 100 year old witch is a lot stronger then a 50 year old witch. So, although I am a 157 year old witch- I wouldn't be able to make even a small scratch on a higher demon. 

'No wonder the evil witch in the novel freaking died.' I say to myself, trying to control my urge to run. 'She couldn't do anything against a demon like that!'

But I did have an advantage: I knew that they were coming and was prepared.

I could see the demons pointing at my house and were talking amongst themselves. The higher demon waved them forward, looking disinterested.

The demons creeped closer to the house and one reached the door until it was suddenly wrapped up in special vines with it's thorns coated in sage and thyme causing the demons to scream in pain, steam coming from the wounds.

The higher demon started to look amused to which I sent pure light balls at them, making sure to make it appear they were surrounded. The demons randomly attacked but the higher demon does nothing; making me nervous. It appears that he didn't feel the need to attack.

I was able to purify five of the 11 demons  until the higher demon makes eye contact with me. I flinch back and turn to escape when he was suddenly behind me.

So this was where you were, little Witch. He looks me up and down with a leering look. It's rude to randomly attack guests.

"Since when were you guests?" I growled as I waved my hand, a long whip of light coming from my wand and slashes across his chest causing steam to up into the roof of the barn. I attempt to dart around him, but he wraps a hand around my waist and raises me off the ground.

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