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3 months later

Arjun's POV:

It is said that...

You don't find love...love finds you

And God makes this happen

Very true...

God shows the destination of every human...If he pushes you away from someone... it means the someone is not meant to be in our life...its destiny...

But at the same time, he ties you up with someone so special...someone who is meant to be in our life...and again it's destiny

In short, one day God will make you reach your destination...the beautiful destination that is meant to be yours

The same God whom I used to bash with my harsh words for separating me from my Maa has made my love find me

Though he separated me from Maa he united me with my Jaana and made my life beautiful

I am so thankful to God for giving me such beautiful life

I had a lonely life in my past...but knowingly or unknowingly all my life I had dreamed of her even before she didn't exist...I would keep wondering how will she look...how will she spell my name...how will she look at me and finally a tiny piece of flesh and blood was sent to me as an angel

My angel❤

My angel who danced with me in the rain and held me during my stormy nights

My angel who leads me from the path of hard stones to soft flowers

My angel feed me her love that I craved for

And my love for her is increasing day by day...I feel like her love for me has become my oxygen to survive

And especially after our looong holiday of a big 40 days, she has become my priceless possession

Those 40 days were love...

Mornings were beautiful while nights were ecstatic

And every night we made love she argued for her baby prince but all her protests were silenced when I would take the charge

She was irresistible to my passionate love

My hugs and kisses have become her  strongest addiction

But not only love we had fights too...

Whenever I shared a memory of my love story or my wild thoughts after marriage I was punished with slaps and punches but was soon compensated on the bed...

I used to count the slaps and punches and at night take the sweet revenge in my style...And all those nights I had n+100 times naming ceremonies

Umm...I would have told you the names but it's too personal🙈😚

And I don't want to get back to my punching bag's character

I had dreams to make love to her under the moonlight and wake up with the rising sun

Every night wearing me my woman was scented with my smell...it was so enticing...

And her warmth was something my body was obsessed with...crushing her under me I would keep cuddling into her chest to my heart content

Every day I am living my dream to the fullest

And also a dream of my happy family has come true...

Maa Baba...My not so innocent brother Aaru and my Jaana all of us are happily enjoying our lives under the same roof

I am a complete man now...

Broken Without You (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora