Chapter 68

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Dear Diary

Sorry was busy with my wife cum mother

So much happened in the past days and during all these days she not only stood by me like a solid pillar but also took me in her arms and coaxed me like a little infant...

In her embrace, I poured my heart out for the loss of Maa

And I believe that she is the only one who can hold me and me
make me stand strong

Now I truly came to know the meaning of the word SOULMATE

Soulmate....a person who comes into your life and disclose another layer of yourself to you ...They come into your life to show the real yourself to you

They tear down your walls...break the door of your heart so that light can enter you and you glow with your own light

And it feels blessed to have a soulmate in your life

You tell them the things that you never shared with anyone...You share your desires for the future...You can be yourself and not worry about what will they think of you...they love you the way you are...even without having any conversation by just having them beside you in complete silence you find yourself being so peaceful...You find strength in knowing that they will never hurt you...they will build you up and show yourself that how beautiful and special you are...You find strength in knowing that you have a person by your side in your life till eternity...

When something good happens you can't wait to share your excitement with them...when you are hurt you don't feel embarrassed to cry in front of them instead you feel to cry more  and let out all your pain in their embrace

Sona has pulled me from something that was still holding me back and now my life seems to be more colourful and exciting with her

Life seems to be more beautiful with her

And our beautiful journey has already completed 9 months so to celebrate our 9 months anniversary I gifted her a simple nuptial chain

For the whole day, I kept thinking about the gift but I could not find anything good and this is the same what I had gone through the past years

It was her first birthday and I had no idea what to gift her and would keep scratching my head

I would save my pocket money and buy something for her and I wonder why Baba used to give me extra pocket money right in the month before her birthday

Till I was a kid I gave her Barbie dolls, teddy bears, toys, her favourite doctor set and many more

But then when I was matured enough I stopped wasting money on such materialistic things and began donating the same pocket money to an orphanage

Now that I earn something on my own 25% of my annual income is spent on charity

12.5% for orphanages and 12.5% for cancer patients trusts

The last gift I gave her that I remember is anklets

And after years I had to select something for my wife and I wanted it to be special so I thought of presenting a nuptial chain as she had many doubts at the time of our marriage

With the nuptial chain, I wanted to clarify all her doubts and promise togetherness with her for a lifetime

And I gave her the honour of being addressed as my second mother

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