Chapter 36

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Author's POV:

A car crashed into the huge tree is emitting smoke from its front portion.

A man in a shattered state sat on the nearby rock with his elbows resting on his knees and fingers of his hands interlocked together. His eyes were tired of shedding tears. A small scar on his forehead bleeding lightly.

The bleeding of his heart was more than that of the minor scar💔

Another passer-by car on the road halted and a man of the age of 50 dressed in a simple shirt pant stepped out of the car.

"Are you Ok beta??" The man's voice pulled Arjun out of his thoughts.

Moving his gaze up he  just nodded at him.

"Oh God you are hurt" he exclaimed caressing Arjuns forehead.

Before Arjun could react to his touch the man ran to his car and came back with a water bottle and a first aid box.

Passing the water bottle he said "Have some water first"

Taking the bottle he splashed some water on his face and hissed in pain when few water droplets hit his wound giving him a little burning sensation.

He gulped some water while the old man asked "You won't get any cab here at midnight...Chalo I'll drop you at your destination"

Something hit his mind and he asked hurriedly "Can I use your phone please...she must be worried??"

The old man smiled and extended his phone.

Arjun connected the call and spoke "I am safe and wipe your tears first...I am coming home"

Returning the phone to the old man he thanked him with a fake smile.

The old man made him sit on the rock. Cleaning the wound with antiseptic liquid he put a bandage over it.

After getting the first aid done they were on the way back to Arjun's house. The man was driving while Arjun was peeking outside the window lost in his world.

"Had a fight with your wife??"

He broke the silence.

"She doesn't trust me" Arjun answered with a lifeless tone still peeping out the window.

"But she loves you and so do you...a mere misunderstanding cannot weaken the love between you two"

Arjun looked at the old man while he continued

"Marriage is not a journey only of love and romance's a journey of suffering and pain as well. During this journey you laugh together...cry for each share your share your pain...we grow stronger during this journey...we need to bound together by patience and love Beta"

"Do you fight with your wife too??" Arjun asked out of curiosity

For which the old man chuckled

"Of course beta...every couple fights...
Two minds are never going to agree all the time. Sometimes there may be a thinking or perception difference and it is good to express the difference in thoughts and opinions. But here the thing we need to take care of is the way we choose to express ourselves. We must express in a healthy way. Screaming or taking yourself off doesn't solve your problem it will only complicate it"

"But she is not at all ready to understand" Arjun said

"If she doesn't explain it to her in the way she understands well and if you won't succeed in the first trial then try again"

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