Chapter 64

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Dear Diary

(AN: Can refer to chapter 18)

Sorry for forgetting you...

I was not in the state to share anything with you...

The past few days I was facing hell...

But now I am fine...So I am back to you

And to be frank I was really pissed off with Sona

Something was wrong with her...

I felt like she was avoiding she was purposely trying to avoid me...

But why???

What did I do wrong???

And as far as I know, I didn't do anything that she doesn't like...

In fact I am doing everything according to her...everything that she wants me to do...I am coming home on time...having food and sleep on time

Then where did I go wrong???

I didn't ask her to do make tea for me

I didn't ask her to wait for me

I didn't ask her to make me sleep

I didn't ask her to do anything for me...

It was her who started making tea for me...and it was completely on her own wish...

But now suddenly she is changed...

She stopped making tea for me...

She is avoiding talking to me...

She is literally avoiding to have single eye contact with me...


Why such a sudden change???

I am sorry...

This is wrong...totally wrong

First, you behave in a way that a person is habituated to you...and then suddenly you start behaving like a complete stranger

It hurts...

It really hurts like hell

And this odd behaviour of hers was giving hell negative vibes to me...all of sudden I was drowning into the same fear that shudders my soul...

Her behaviour towards me was awakening the same nightmare that I am afraid to death...

The sudden change in her behaviour was recreating the worst memories of my life...

Years back it happened the same with me and still I couldn't move myself away from it...I am still rooted to that incident because that incident has pierced its roots deep into my soul that even voluntarily I can't take a baby step away from it...

Years back Maa did the same to me...she distanced herself from me

Very easily I was asked to stay from the person who was the only world to me...

And what happened...

She left me...

And I am feeling like I am reliving the moment...

And it's breaking me badly...I am unable to take it

I can't even dare to think about it...

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