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Mina's POV

I was suddenly very weak and tired. I wished I could just go home, crawl in my bed and sleep into oblivion, a place of no thoughts and no regrets. I didn't want to think about how we were so close to getting them and we lost them. I didn't want to think about how I was the reason the only lead the FBI had to catching other members of the ring was dead. I shouldn't have left that gun for her. But why would she think death was better than getting arrested? What did they do to her to make her think that way?

My head was hurting from trying to reason it out. I just wanted to go home, but Adam said to stay put. So I've been standing in this same spot for the last 30 minutes. Even though I'm tired, I think my legs forgot how to function. Or they're just too tired to move.

Around me, there's still a frenzy of cops moving abount. They retrieved Victoria's phone, her gun, and found a USB on her too. They bagged it as evidence. Adam, Melissa and a man I presumed to be Ziglar were having a discussion behind me, about ten feet away. I could hear every word they were saying as I stood staring out to the street. They seemed so engrossed in their discussion that they didn't realize I was within earshot, or they didn't care.

"How do we know she didn't tip them off?" Mellisa was saying. I was too numb to roll my eyes even though I wanted to. She could think whatever the hell she wanted to think.

"She didn't. "Adam said. "She came to me. She wouldn't do that if she was working with them."

"Maybe she wanted to cover up her trail. Look how she got here before us." She insisted.

"Because we were fucking stalling." Adam snapped. "The only reason we're here is because she's here. It was taking forever to reopen the fucking case, so don't act like we had a whole swat team sitting pretty, waiting to bust this place until a few hours ago. Stop looking for someone to pin this on and do your fucking job."

"You're abusing that fucking word, Adam" Ziglar cut in.

"Well, I can't now." Mellisa carried on. "We're at a dead end again just like four years ago."

"Just like four years ago" Ziglar sounded thoughtful. "What are the chances that we have another mole."

"Or maybe the same mole" Adam said. "Maybe you pinned the wrong guy"

They grew silent for a while thinking about the possibility.

"We need to look over the whole case again from the beginning, turn every stone, re-access every trail. These guys have a bitch in the FBI." Ziglar said.

They spent a few more minutes talking while the police questioned some neighbors around. Then Adam walked over to me.

"This way" He said simply.

Finally..! I thought and followed him into the police car. As I fixed my seatbelt, a female police officer climbed into the back seat. I looked at Adam.

"Officer Amber is here to take your statement. Just to document what really happened."

I looked at her again and noticed she had a pen, jotter and something like a recorder in her hand.

"Do I need a lawyer?" I asked Adam, getting a little worried. He looked at me with a frown on his face.

"It's just routine debriefing. That's all" Officer Amber said. She gave a sympathetic smile. "We can do this now or we can do this at the station. Your choice"

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