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Mina POV

It's Wednesday. I will be playing the piano tonight. I'm not really looking forward to it but I need the distraction. I tend to forget my worries when I play. Lately, I've been doing a lot of worrying most about Tetura.

I had dropped a Facebook message for Tekena. I just asked how he was doing, how papa was and explained that I lost my phone. I miss them so much, and I know they've been trying to reach me. I feel bad for being deliberately unreachable in the ring. The few times Tekena had called, I was often distant and pretended to be busy, often lying about having classes in a school I didn't attend. I couldn't afford to be chatty with him. I was afraid I'd slip up and say something off, and then he'd know. I couldn't afford to let them know. It'll break their hearts. I have barely spoken with Papa since I left. Twice he called when I was in the ring, I or pretended I couldn't hear due to poor network. I resorted to sending him messages once in a while. Tetura had scolded me for it, but she's always trying to act like a big sister that knows it all, so I ignored her. I still can't bring myself to speak with Papa. He can't see me like this. I need to make things better first. I need to be better.

For tonight's performance, I'm dressed up in Mae's gown and a pair of high-heeled shoes that she gave me too. Turns out we have the same feet size. It's a skimpy outfit and I feel self-conscious and kinda slutty. Maybe it's because my breasts are much bigger than Mae's and are popping out everywhere. I had to get a shawl from Eve to drape on my shoulders.

I swear once I can afford some real clothes, I'm going shopping. But right now, all I have are my jeans and tops, and the blue gown I wore for my interview. I don't want to be up in the spotlight looking all drab. Eve said if things keep picking up, she could give me a clothing allowance. I hope she does. Being broke sucks.

I walked out to the customer area to see Eve looking around dreamily.

"hey, I'm thinking of bringing in some sofas' she said when she saw me. ''we can line them up by the walls towards the back there. It will give the place a more cosy and relaxing ambience, don't you think?'

'Absolutely' I agreed.

She turned to me and smiled as she took in my appearance. ''you look beautiful.'' she said.

I don't feel beautiful. I feel like I am on display be all over again, just like that first night when...

"Are you ok Mina' Eve asked with concern in her voice. 'we can skip today's performance if you're not feeling up to it'.

"no, no problem at all. I'm fine"

I walked over to the piano, sat down and played some lazy-ass cool love songs all night.

Luke's POV

Olivia has been bugging my phone all morning. Someone, I'm guessing one of her nosy fake friends, saw me talking to Miss Jaja at the caravan yesterday, and now she's asking all those insecure questions girls ask. I don't have time for it...I have a test by tomorrow morning and I have barely read a thing.

After the caravan inspection yesterday, I drove straight to school. I was too tired, so I slept the rest of the day. Well until Elijah woke me up and dragged me out for a drink. Elijah is my closest buddy. I have a group of friends but Elijah is like a brother. We were out drinking till 11:30pm. I woke up by 10am this morning with a headache and a hangover. I make terrible choices when I'm with Elijah... that idiot. And to add to my throbbing temples, Olivia was whining on my chats.

I put my phone on silent and turned it upside down. I was tired of explaining. She'd come around eventually, especially since she'd want me to show up at her party next week with an expensive gift. Part of me wondered if this was just a scheme to guilt me into buying something pricey. I wouldn't put it past Olivia. She knows I will check out other girls once in a while, I think every guy does that. It's not a big deal. Besides,  our relationship was simply a business arrangement. No need for her to act all territorial.

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