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Journal entry

I've heard people say that time heals all wounds. They forget to tell you that time is relative. For some, it's a month or a year, for others, it's a decade or forever.

We heal when we're ready to heal.

Mina's POV

I opened my table drawer to retrieve my wallet and my eyes landed on the gold necklace Luke had bought for me. It was beautiful. Even with my basic knowledge of jewelry, I knew it was pricey. It sat gloriously in the midst of my other basic pieces in my small jewelry box, like a diamond in the rough. But it wasn't the luster that drew me to it. It was the memories. I resisted the urge to reach down and touch it. Last night, I had taken it off and put it in the drawer, because I didn't want to think of him. But still I did. I tossed and turned all night trying to make sense of the whole situation at the park. I didn't understand it. I still don't

Dragging my eyes away from the necklace, I took out my wallet and drew out the money I wanted to send to Tekena. Even though they refuse to ask for it, I send $500 to them every month through the scrawny guy at the laundromat, since I don't have a bank account. It's not such a paltry amount when you convert it to naira. With Eve letting me keep tips dropped in the tip-jar on karaoke nights, I was now making a little above $300 every week, sometimes more. And since my expenses were really low, I saved almost all of it.

Getting ready for work, I put my hair in a bun, strapped my small crossbody bag across my shoulders and stepped out of the caravan. The town was the same - chirping birds, clear blue skies and fresh country air that were oblivious to my inner turmoil. I love how nature has a mind of its own and is not influenced by our moods and feelings. The world would have been chaotic if it could be. I tried to acknowledge the beauty around me rather than dwell on my thoughts. I ended up doing both.

Conversation during school lunch was still very much centered around prom, with many people saying the king and queen were deserving of the crown. And guess who prom-queen was.

Yeah, you guessed right. Olivia!

But what do I care? I have already decided to stop worrying about her, or anyone else.

If only Luke didn't make me feel like I had to be worried.

"Bestfriend" someone squealed. I looked up to see Violet coming behind the serving counter with outstretched arms to hug me.

"Hi Vie" I laughed as we hugged. I was happy to be enveloped in her happy bubble.

"Are you allowed to be back here?" I asked when we pulled away.

"To hug my best friend, oh yeah" she responded smartly. "When did you get back? Why didn't u chat me up? You know I was waiting for the tea" she said the tea with a wink.

"We came back yesterday, and I was so tired I just slept off. Besides, there isn't much to tell.." I trailed off when she looked at me funny. "I'd tell you later at the diner" I added.

"You better" she said with sass.

"Mina, people are waiting" Mae called.

"Sorry Mae" I called back and turned back to my friend. "What are you having?" I asked her. I know I'm guilty of favouritism here but sorry, not sorry.

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