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I woke up really early the next day. It didn't help that I was having series of nightmares. I knelt down and said my prayers. My mind was blank and my heart was heavy. I'm pretty sure my words didn't make any sense, but old habits die hard.

I was raised in a religious home and was raised to pray every morning. I won't say prayer has been a magic pill for me, but I'm slow to change. It's also kind of relieving to talk to God about your problems when no one is around and you're almost losing your mind.

After my silent prayer, I folded the carton and kept in the corner beside the cleaning supplies, and tried sneaking out of the apartment. It was still early by my wrist watch- 6am, but I couldn't risk the janitor who kept the cleaning supplies seeing me here. My guess is that he shows up every morning and leaves soon after, since he wasn't here when I came in the evening. I tip-toed to the entrance door which was closed now. Most of the lights in the hallway were dead and cast dim shadows around. I found the door handle and pulled. It didn't budge. What the hell! I pulled harder some more. Maybe it was jammed or something. Or maybe it had a trick handle. I should probably turn it upwards. No... nothing. I'm standing here rattling the door handle and pulling, so desperate to get out I didn't realize I was making some noise.

"Hey, who's there?"

I froze just as a flashlight was beamed at me. I couldn't see the person be hind it but he was tall judging from the position of the flashlight. The light moved to my face and I had to close my eyes because of the bright light.

"who are you? How did you get in? He asked in a deep serious voice.

Me? How did you come in? There was no security here when I sneaked in yesterday. he must have come in after I slept because I didn't hear a thing. Suddenly got scared I began to panic. What if he called the cops. They'd discover I didn't have any papers. I know my life is wack now, but I am not ready to be shipped back home, not yet. I had to think of something.

"I umm...came to see a friend. I slept over." I muttered looking down.

"Yeah..who?" He pressed.


"There's no John living here" he stated.

"Well he must have given me a wrong name. We met at the diner."

He gave me a look that said yeah right. "Look girl, you have one last chance to tell me who you are and how you got in here. know what, I'm calling the cops"

My head snapped back up in alarm. "You can't do that" I exclaimed.

"You think?" He straitened up and pulled up a phone from his pocket. He began to punch numbers.

" Well, you're doing a crappy job yourself if I slept here all night and you didn't even know until morning. I bet the owner of this place will love to hear that" I didn't think I was in a position to be dishing threats but I had to do something. He glared at me menacingly but his fingers stopped punching. I held his gaze feigning a boldness I didn't feel.

"I've been doing this for the last two days and you didn't even notice. If I were him, I'd fire you on the spot". Of course it wasn't true, but he couldn't know that right now. I watched as doubt and fear flickered across his features. He eyed me for a while and I held his gaze and straightened my shoulders. It was a stance I and Tetura showcased when the older girls in the ring tried to bully us. It never intimidated them but they often let us be. I hoped it'll work on this man too.

"Don't ever come back here" he said finally, "or you'd regret it."

I nodded and spinned around as fast as an ice-skating figure. I wanted to get out before he changed his mind. Realizing the door was still locked, I looked at him. He stepped forward and opened it with some keys. I breathed a sigh of relief when the cold air hit my face as I walked out. That was close.

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