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Mina's POV

Things moved pretty fast after that day at the cemetery. It's like a wall was broken down between us and we could see each other more clearly. And what I saw was beautiful. Luke Crenshaw, the boy I initially thought selfish and unfeeling turned out to be warm and caring and kind. He was all shades of beautiful to me.

Our time together became more precious. The weekends were never enough, but we tried to make it worthwhile by doing amazing things together. Rather than just stay caged up in the caravan, we got out exploring the amazing scenery of Twinhills. The town was indeed beautiful. You just had to look closely to see.

We still kept our relationship low-key, but we weren't sneaking around anymore. Luke took me to Twinhills - I mean the real Twin hills which the town was named after. You can see it in the distance as you drive into town. They look like ordinary set of hills sitting side by side, but when you look closer, you could see they were almost identical. The town was built just at the foot of these hills.

After we left the heart of town, we drove on some lonely roads for about ten minutes. Turns out the hills are much farther out than they seem. We passed the ranch on our way and I glimpsed some horses through the wire mesh fence grazing in the far end of the field. I remembered that I still haven't taken miss Applebee on her offer. I made a mental note to ask Violet to go with me.

Next, we passed the steel factory. It was surprising the number of workers that were milling around. I never imagined there could be so many people in Twinhills. The place reminded me of times square in a movie scene, except it was coveralls and helmets in place of suits and briefcases, and caravans instead of skyscrapers. Some building constructions were going on as well, but they were nowhere near finished.

"Wow...this is huge" I commented. "I didn't know there's an entire beehive of activities down here. This is a whole community. But why don't they come into town?"

"They have almost everything they need here. Why would they come into town." Luke asked.

"To relax. Chill" I said. "They can't work all the time." I just didn't see how they could be content holed up in this place all the time.

He gave a short laugh. "All we have in twinhills is the mall, the library, the clinic and the old broken-down mill. Where are they going to chill?"

"Please don't disrespect Eve's corner ever again" I told him with mock severity, and he laughed. "why you talking like we don't exist? And there's Crunchies too" I pointed out.

"Trust me, the last thing most of these workers want is listen to some slow love songs after a hard day's work. I'm not putting down your music, it's amazing, but they want loud rock music blasting in their ears while they drink beer." He said. "There's a local pub on the south side though. I have a feeling they'd love it. Besides, most of them go back to Merton on the weekends anyway.

I nodded. "There's a local pub on southside?'

"Yea," he said casting me a sideways glance. "why, you want to go there?"

I laughed. "No, just curious. I didn't even know there was one."

"There are many things you don't know about this town" He gave me a look that reminded me of the winky emoji. "I guess you didn't know there's a waterfall here too"

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