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Luke's POV

I don't like this feeling in the pit of my stomach. It almost feels like guilt but that can't be, because I have nothing to be guilty for. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement agreed to by both parties, who perfectly understand the terms and conditions of the deal. And even though those terms were unspoken, I think the reality of our situation is glaring enough.

I have nothing to be guilty for.

I looked at her as she lay curled up on her side of the bed, facing the wall with the sheets pulled up over her. I can't help feeling like I hurt her somehow with what I said earlier. But it is the truth. She's not my girlfriend and I'm not her boyfriend. She doesn't get to place demands on my time like that.

So why do I have this urge to explain myself?

I looked over to her again. Her body was still and her breath was even, but I know she wasn't asleep yet. Maybe it's the tense look of her shoulders, but I just know. Even while under the blanket, I can make out the curve of her hips. I feel like spooning her and running my hands along them.

But we don't cuddle.

What am I still doing here? I should get going already.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen to drink some water because I felt thirsty. I can't remember the last I drank water straight out from the faucet. I hope it's well treated.

I walk back to the room,wore my joggers and sat on the bed. After a while, I pulled out my phone and began scrolling through.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?" Her voice was soft and quiet, but it pulled at something in my chest.

"I'm tired. I'd just relax for a while". I told her, trying to quell the uneasiness I felt inside.

She didn't say anything. The air was uncomfortable and thick with unspoken words, but I didn't say anything either.

Minutes later, her breathing changed and I knew she was asleep. She even snored lightly. I chuckled, thinking of how I was going to tease her about it on our chats. I should have taken this moment as my cue to leave, but instead I stretched out on the bed beside her and stared at the ceiling. I was so tired. I should probably rest for a few minutes before heading out, I thought closing my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, dawn was just breaking and I was alone in bed. Oh shit! Looking around, I noticed a note on the table.

Went for a run. You can let yourself out. Put the key under the flowerpot.

I crumpled the note, feeling angry.

Let yourself out?

She did not just try to dismiss me. The nerve she got!


Mina's POV

I'm sure this lake knows me by now. How could it not know the girl who throws pebbles into it.

I'm sorry, Lake. I don't mean to disturb you. But I have no one to turn to. My thoughts are screaming at me from the inside and there's so much turbulence in my heart. These ripples I see when you catch my pebbles make me feel like I'm not alone.

No one cares. It's not like I expected Luke to play boyfriend but for a moment there, I just wanted him to ask me what was wrong, why I needed him. I needed someone to ask me if everything was alright.

Since my encounter with Adam in Thursday, I've been jumpy and scared. The rational part of my mind tells me he's just a guy really interested in tattoos.

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