Chapter 15

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Hehe. Definitely not me being to lazy to write again. You should be used to it by know. Again, please comment if someone wants to help me with a cover on this story. And always send me a message if you are bored or something, because I need friends.

Lunch was here. Usually, I would be relived that it was finally a break from this hell called learning, but today I was nervous. I know that I should support Andy in having other friends then just us three, but I need to know if that Caleb guy is a good guy. And I have to make sure that he knows that Andy is mine. I will tell him in a nice way tho.

I went to the lockers, so I could catch the boys before lunch. I needed to make sure that they would stay with me on this.

They came walking down laughing about whatever stupid thing Nick had done now, and I waved at them to make sure that they would walk to me. And even how slow they walked, they came after a while.

"What are you doing? We never meet up here before lunch. We just go to the cafeteria. You can go in alone. It's not that scary." Alec snickered before punishing me lightly on my shoulder. The comment made Sam giggle, something that made Alec prouder of his stupid joke.

"We can't sit on our usually table today. We have to sit with Andy and Caleb, because we have to make sure that Caleb is a nice guy." I said back. They all got serious. OMG, they are freaking out because of a table.

"Really? I like Andy, but do we actually like him that much that we would sit another place? And with some random dude?" Nick answered, earning a punch in the shoulder by Alec. "I was kidding. Relax." Nick said. "Ouch."

"Please guys. For one day. After that we can go back to normal." I said before walking inside the cafeteria. After looking for a sec, I saw Caleb and Andy waiting patiently for us to come. I sighed and started walking to them. It felt weird to not sit at our usually table were the popular people sit. And I saw that other people tough that too. Even the jocks and cheerleaders, that usually sit on the table next to ours looked weird at us.

"Hey Andy. Nice to see you again." I whispered to him when we came to the table. "And you must be Caleb. Nice to meet you."

Caleb looked up at me almost bored. "You should know me by now. We have almost every class together man." He said before walking to the lunch ladies to get his food. Now I felt dumb. Nice.

I sat down on the opposite side of Andy and got my food. "Well, that started well."

Andy giggled a little. "It was not that bad. Caleb is just not that great with people. Especially not the popular ones. But he will like you soon. He is a great guy."

The other boys sat down on that table and started talking like normal. I sat next to Andy with Alec and Sam next to me. And Nick and Caleb sitting next to each other. I was happy that the other guys joined today, because I would not do well alone in this.

After a while, Caleb looked up to me. He looked me right in the eyes, almost like he was looking for something. Maybe he doesn't believe that I'm actually a good guy? "So, Lucas, why do you like Andy? You are not very similar."

I gulped. "Well, I don't want similar. I am quite alike Nick and Alec, and that's cool, but that is not what I want in a boyfriend. I want someone who can help me be better and teach me stuff that I don't know about. I don't want someone that is just like me. I want Andy, who is so much better than me. "

Caleb gave me a little smile to show that he was happy with the answer, before continuing to eat. Andy looked down with a big smile and he was blushing like hell.

"Andy, I know that was cute of him or whatever, but stop blushing and start eating." Caleb said, taking his food closer to him. I hadn't noticed, but he hadn't touched his food at all. "I'm n-not hungry." Andy whispered back.

I took his food, cut it up in some smaller pieces and separated the food in half. Then I pushed it back to him. "Please at least eat something. I won't force you, but I separated it, so you know how much you should at least it. You can choose yourself, but please at least a little bit."

It looked like he was thinking about it in a couple seconds, but he still grabbed his fork and started eating, making me really happy. He listened to me without any fuss. I think I love him.

"You too Nick." Caleb again tried getting people to eat. Nick loved food more than he loved his mother, so he didn't need to be told twice. He ate his food really quickly before eventually trying to take mine too.

The rest of the lunch went really well. Caleb seemed like a nice guy. He could talk to me and Alec like he had known us for years. He was sarcastic, but never in a bad way. He like to joke around, and he seemed like he could never be nervous. But when he talked to Sam or Andy, he was more gentle and nicer. Sometimes even to Nick.

Nick and Caleb were getting closer to each other. They seemed to have a lot to common and got friends pretty quickly. It was nice to see Nick having someone to talk to, since I have been busy with Andy lately and Alec always being busy with Sam. I think he has been a little lonely lately.

When it was just a couple minutes before the lunch was over, a phone started to ring. Caleb brough up his phone and read who it was from before standing up. "Sorry, I got to go. My girlfriend is calling me. It was nice to have lunch with you guys." He said before leaving.

"Girlfriend? That was shocking." Andy commented, saying what everybody was thinking.

"Even I had a little thing called hope there. I think people would have been starting to ship me with him pretty soon if he didn't ruin it with being ew straight." Nick complained with a big pout on his face. "When is it going to be my turn to feel love or something yucky?"

I walked next to him, taking my arm around his shoulder. "Well, if people really aren't sick of us already, maybe you get your own story with love and yucky things." I said before walking him to class.

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