Chapter 12

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Again, so sorry for not posting for a while. Things has happened. But Im back, better than ever. And if you have some tips for this story, I will gladly hear them. Enjoy!

I havent been talking to Andy in two weeks and its killing me. Sometimes I see him in the hall, but every time he meets my eyes, he runs away. Why does he hate me that much?

My friends are getting sick of me. I havent stopped talking about Andy, and they listened in the beginning. Sam stopped after one and a half week. Now he just pretends to fall asleep every time he sees me. Alec tries to listen. But it takes more than one cute baby boy to take away all of his bad boy attitude. Nick got bored of me before I even met Andy.

I walked to my locker, looking for Andy. Every day I get a new hope that he will forgive me for whatever I did. Or just tell me what I did wrong, so I could make it up to him. But he didnt come. I punched his locker, so it opened, and I noticed that it was almost empty. Just a few notes from me. He had taking his books with him home, so he didnt have to see me. That hurts.

I walked into the cafeteria, walking to the same table as always. Nick had got me my food, so I didnt have to wait in line. He gave me a short smile before looking back at his phone.

"How are you Lucas? You look like you havent slept since last year. Alec chuckled. Sam looked curiously at me, trying to see how tired I was maybe.

"I'm okay. Life just sucks a little right now." I answered. "And I could get some better sleep if you guys stop being so freaking loud every night."

Sams face got totally red and he shyly stuck his face in Alecs neck for support. Alec glared a little at me but didnt say anything.

I looked up from the table and looked thru the cafeteria. Suddenly I saw Andy. He was sitting with this guy I had never seen before. The guy was bigger than Andy and had brown hair and a big smile. He was smiling to Andy.

And Andy was smiling back.

A part of me was angry and jealous. Nobody should make Andy smiles like that but me. And he should be spending time with me instead of him.

But another part of me was happy for him. I know how much he struggles to get friends, and Im happy that hes happy. I was just sad that he didnt like me anymore.


Finally, the school day was over. Without meeting Andy, I didnt get as much joy in being in school.

I started walking to my locker when I heard the same boys that had been picking on Andy last time. I went to check out, and of course they were standing there with Andy again. It didnt seem like they had done something terrible yet, so I slowly walked next to them. When they saw me, they quickly let Andy go and ran away. Andy also tried to get away, but I grabbed his backpack and gently pushed him to the lockers, so he couldnt get away.

"Okay, I have been trying to give you some space, but I cant handle it anymore. You got to at least tell me what I did wrong, so I could try to change."

He looked a little angry at first, but it didnt take much time before he was calmer. He stared right into my eyes, and I saw regret.

"Why do you care? You are the most popular boy in school. You can just find new friends and let me go." Again, he tried to get away, but Im tired of this.

"I dont want anyone else. I want you! I care so much about you and I cant just let you go now."

"Would you care for me if I said that I dont want you to be a little. Because I know how much you want me to be that. "

I didnt know how Andy could be so calm about this now. He is usually more stuttering than this.

"If you arent a little, then I cant force you. That lifestyle is definitely not for everyone. I am not going to judge you if you didnt like it. I just thought that you might wanted to try. But you could have told me. Then I would have stopped pushing." I whispered.

"I was afraid that you would hate me if I didnt want it". He mumbled back, a little embarrassed.

I let go of him. Now was the chance for him to run if he would. But he didnt.

"I like you. I really like you. And I want whats best for you. And if whats best for you, is to not be little, then you dont have to be little. I just want you to be your friend. So please stop running away from me. And please start using your locker". I put my hand in his hair, and gently started playing with it. It seemed to calm him down a little.

So what if hes not little. I can handle that. I just thought he might be that. I would be happy to just be his friend. Or be his boyfriend. I dont have to be a daddy. Not right now at least. I just want him to be happy.

"I-I like you to. And I want to be your friend. I have missed you these couple of days. He grabbed my hand from his hair but didnt let it go.

"Well, since we are friends, do you maybe want to hang out at mine, Sam and Alecs place? You can totally be yourself, and no pressure of being a little." I asked with hope in my voice. I know that he just told me that he wants us to be friends, but he has just been avoiding me for two weeks.

"Sure." He answered back before walking to our lockers, our hands still holding each others.

Maybe this isnt what I wanted, but I take what I get.

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