Chapter 5

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Thank you so much guys for reading my story. I love all the comments and voting. I know that I don't update really often and I'm sorry for that. It's just that I'm quite busy and I have lot going on. But I will finish this story, so please just hang in there.

«Okay, what's up? »

I suddenly got really nervous. Like, this is the first time I have feelings for someone. Like I had some crushes, and I had a lot of girlfriends, but nothing like this. I had never talked to them about someone I liked, but it was Andy. If I'm going to get him to be my little, I need every help I can get.

"So I was hanging out with Andy." I saw Nick starting to smirk the second I mentioned his name. "And I think I really like him. Some part of me think that he might be a little, but I don't want to get into conclusions. I need your help to get him."

They both looked at each other and smiled, like they already had been talking about it. as long as they help me, I don't care.

"Okay Romeo. He is a shy guy maybe even shyer than Sam. So this can take some time. I haven't seen him many times, but from what I have seen, he may be a little." Alec said. That made me happy. I wasn't the only one who though that.

"Yeah, he looks kinda cute. So you have to be quick. I know he is an outcast now, but suddenly someone can get an eye for him and then you are out. So you should start now." Nick added.

"Yeah, and that why I said I need help! I want to get my boy as fast as I can."

"Okay, we can do that. Maybe you just have to get his little side out. If you treat him like a special little boy, he will notice you easier. Then every time he needs comfort or someone to share happiness, he comes to you. Make him feel like he really can trust you." Alec said. It's weird how a stupid boy could get so smart in just one year.

"I could do that. Thanks guys. I'm going to bed early tonight. Later"



The next day I was kinda nervous. I didn't get enough sleep, even if I got to bed earlier. I was thinking about this day all night. I was even dressing up a little fancier than usual. I hade some black jeans and a white shirt with the top buttons up. I also fixed my hair a little better.

I walked to my locker and got happy when I saw the cute little fella next to it. As nervous as usual, but I looked around and it was no bullies I could see. If so, I would kill them. I bend down to his level, so he would notice me. He flinched a little but gave me a small smile when he saw that it was me.

"Hey little guy. How are you" I whispered. I knew he didn't like that much attention, so I was a little more quiet than usual.

"I'm fine. I-I like your sh-shoes." He whispered back. He was so close to me, I just wanted to grab and kiss him. But I need to be patient.

"Thank you. I like your outfit." I smiled at him. He wore blue jeans and a baby blue hoodie. It was a little big for him, but that made it just cuter.

He blushed a little bit before looking down. He got shy again. I just want to hug him.

"Unfortunately, we have class soon. Come with me, little prince, I can follow you to class. Witch subject do you have first?" I asked. He answered quietly English history before I gently grabbed his hand.

The walk went way too short for my liking, and I had to let go of his hand before he walks into the classroom. I watched him a little. He walked to the back of the classroom and while people talked to each other, he was sitting alone with his face faced down to the table. I felt bad for him, and it took so much power to leave, because I didn't want to leave him.


After what felt like forever, it was finally lunch again. I was so hungry and sick of learning. Why do I have to learn stuff that I don't need for the rest of my life? Stupid.

I walked back to my locker and waited for Andy to come back. It didn't take really long. It looked like he wanted to get out of the classroom more than I wanted. He looked up and saw me waiting there, and he looked happy to see me. I almost melted right there. I know, I'm such a simp, but don't people really want someone that can admit that instead of a jerk who pretend to not like someone around their friends? (Like certainly not Alec tho, really, like he was never a bad guy, right? Okay, I will stop.)

"Hey Andy, how was class?" I asked him when he finally reach the lockers. He looked surprised that I cared about it.

"Oh, it was okay. I hate math tho. How was yours?" he answered back.

"It was great. Not the learning. But I can meet some of the friends I don't meet up in my spare time, so that's nice."

He looked down again, and I understood that I probably shouldn't brag so much about having many friends around him. I wanted to make him feel special, not like anyone else.

"Hey, I was thinking about getting some food in the cafeteria and I know that you should eat something too. And I've seen you a couple times there before, but not the last times. Do you maybe want to sit with me and my friends? They are pretty cool. Okay Nick is sometimes really stupid, but he is going to be nice to you." I offered, really hoping that he would say yes. He looked a little unsure.

"No, it's okay. I can just buy something and leave. I don't want to disturb you and your friends." He answered back.

"No no, it would be really fun to have you join us. We always need someone new. Especially someone like you. And I promise that we aren't too many, it's just me and three more people."

He thoughted a little about it before finally saying yes. I grabbed his hand gently before bringing him to the cafeteria. I bough us both lunch before taking him to my table, the others already sitting there.

"Guys, this is Andy."

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