Chapter 7

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I was kinda nervous to have him over here. This is the first time I let someone see how I life, and this lifestyle. This was a big moment for Alec the first time Sam came to his house. Maybe this doesn't work? Maybe I should have waited a little longer before taking him here?

I looked down at Andy, and he looked excited. He seems like a guy who doesn't judge people for stuff like this, but you never know. But the most important thing is that he doesn't judge Sam. Because I just exposed his secret, and I know that he said yes, but I don't want him to get hurt.

When we came into the living room, nothing big had happened. Nick was just on his phone, drinking a beer, Sam was watching cartoons with a sippy cup in his hand, and Alec were watching it with him. I think I never get used to bad boy Alec to do stuff like that, but everything for love.

Andy looked a little skeptical, but not in a bad way. He actually looked more interested in the show on tv instead of the other boys. He looked interested. That's why I believe that he would be a perfect little.

"If you want, you can sit on the sofa and watch with the others, and I can make you something to drink." I whispered to him. It looked like he didn't want to let go of my hand, but he did, and he slowly sat next to Sam and started watching.

I went to the kitchen and got a coke for myself and a juice for him. I remember he told me that he didn't drank soda really often, so i think juice is better. Nick came to the kitchen after me, grabbing another beer.

"It looks like he doesn't care how weird it is. That's a good sign." Nick said while he watched Andy laughing with Sam. It looked like they were getting friends.

"Yeah. It looks like he is having fun. I want him to become my little, but I don't want to force it on him. If he is interested after tonight, then we can slowly try it out more and more. But if he doesn't, then I won't make this a part of his life." I answered back.

"If he's not interested. Do you think you'll still be with him, or will you get a new little?" he asked me.

"Well, he is not mine yet, so I don't know if I will ever have him. But if he wants a "normal" relationship, then I will get him that. He is the only one that I have showed interest to."

After answering that, I went back to the living room. I gave Andy his juice and he seemed happy about it. Then he grabbed my hand and kept on watching. I was going to watch to, but I couldn't stop looking at him.


After an hour watching cartoons, I brought Andy back to my room. Or my room in Alec's place. I told him a little about why I was living here instead of at my parents, and I let him walk around and look. After a while I finally got the courage to ask him about it.

"So, now you have seen a little of what my life is about, how do you feel?" He looked up to me and watched me with his kind eyes. Like he could understand how nervous I was. He gave me a little smile.

"It looked nice. It wasn't really weird. Its really cute. And it doesn't look hard at all. You just be yourself." He answered back. I got very surprised. That was the first long thing he had said to me without stuttering or being nervous. I love that he starts to trust me.

"So the thing is that I want you to try it. Like Alec takes care of Sam, I want to take care of you. It is no pressure at all, and you can totally say no. I really want to be your friend, and I am not going to quit being a friend with you if you don't do this, but I think you will have a lot of fun with it.

"If you agree to do this, then you have to know that you are in charge. I will take control and everything, but I will just do stuff that you feel comfortable with. We can do this together with Sam and Alec, or it could be a secret just between us two. And I know that you maybe need some time to decide. But know that this is totally up to you" I finally said.

Andy got silent for a while. Of course, I just gave him a lot to take inn. I hope that he feels the same about me, and I know that this is maybe too fast, but I really want this. Again, it didn't seem like he was afraid or mad at me, he kept on smiling.

"I th-ink I need to do more research abo-about this, but from wh-what I know now, I think I want to do it. It doesn't seem st-stressful, but rather f-fun. And I l-li-like you. I want to try. If that's okay with you. A-and if we could start slow." He whispered back to me.

I have never though that six sentences would make me so happy. He said freaking yes. I couldn't help it. I grabbed his waist and lifted him up while hugging him. He seemed a little surprised, but quickly hugged me back.

I sat him down on my bed and sat next to him. We talked a little about how we could start, and I suggested that he could come here a lot often. This is a safe space to be anyway, no one could judge you.

I asked him if he wanted to sleep over this weekend, and he said yes. Again, I know. But I want to spend time with him. And maybe I like him more than just a friend, but friends can have sleepovers too.

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