Chapter 4

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Sorry that this story is so slow. But I don't want to rush anything. I want this story to be great. I hope you like it.

I woke up with the best message I have gotten in a very long time. Or, it wasn't actually a message, just a notification. But it was from Andy. He had replied yes to my request on following him on Instagram. It made me so happy.

I really shouldn't be feeling this happy. But you should imagine the cute pictures of him. Maybe I have gotten a little crush on him. But just maybe. I met him for just a couple days ago, so.

After I had been scrolling trough every single of his pictures, I had to get up and start the day. I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower, because hygiene is really important, and then I got dressed before I walked downstairs.

Alec and Sam had already been up for a while. They always get up earlier than me. I don't get it. why sleep less than I can. Well, I know that Sam gets to bed 9 o'clock, so I know why he get up early, but Alec was never like that.

I ate an easy breakfast before rushing back to my bathroom, brushing my teeth. I also did my hair extra good today. Just in case I meet someone special.

After I was done, I grabbed Sam and my bags before walking to the car. Alec drove, of course, so we made it with some spare time. I went to my locker, and I was happy when I saw a small little boy next to it. I walked slowly, so I made sure that he didn't got scared.

"Hey, Andy. How are you?" I asked carefully. He seemed so nervous the last times I have seen him. he flinched a little but didn't seemed too afraid of me.

"I'm good. Wh-what about you?" he whispered. I felt happy that he didn't ran away like the last time.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking." I smiled at him. it looked like he didn't want to talk anymore after that, so I just let him be, and walked to my class instead.


The day went actually really great. I saw Andy a couple times today, and he didn't seem too scared of me. He actually smiled to me sometimes. And every time he did, it made my heart melt. Shit, I have really fallen for him. Not too good.

Lunch went great too. I love to have one hour to just sit with my friends and talk about everything besides schoolwork. I really hate school. The bad thing was that Andy wasn't even in the cafeteria today. I think he have giving up.

I finally decided that I want to ask Andy out to hang. I know I haven't even had one real conversation with him, but I really wants to get to know him. He is so cute, and I believe that he is really nice too. He just has to learn how to not get too nervous with being around me. I don't bite. Much.

I saw him again before my last period. He sat on a table alone, doing homework or something. He was listening to some music, so he didn't notice me when I came. He flinched a little but smile when he saw that it was just me.

"Hey, Andy. Whatcha doing?" Great. That's the perfect way to start a conversation. I was so awkward sometimes. ¨

"Oh, nothing s-special really. Ho-how are y-you?" he answered back. Good, he doesn't care about my stupidness.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. If you want, I can help you with math. It's really not that stupid if you understand it." I smiled. He looked up to me with a shocked face expression, like if I jus said that Trump was going to be the next president again.

"Math is stupid. Maybe y-you are ju-just as stupid." He whispered back to me. I laughed a little before getting a little closer to him. I looked at his math questions before looking at his answers. He tried at least.

After half an hour we were finished with his homework and I was late to my last period. Oh, well, English is the language I speak, how hard can the class be? I decided to skip instead. I looked down at Andy, and it looked like he was done with school to.

"Hey Andy, maybe you want to hang out for a bit. We can go to the mall or maybe the park?" he looked nervous, but happy that I asked him.

"S-sure. Can we please go to the p-park? Or-or is it stupid. It's stu-stupid. Sorry that I asked." His happiness died through the sentence. I bend down do his level and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Of course, we can go to the park. I love it there. And why would it be stupid if I asked? Come, I have heard they sell amazing ice cream there."

We went to his car since I drove with Alec and Sam today. Remind me to take my car tomorrow. He drove us to the closest park, the most beautiful one. We went to the ice cream shop and picked out witch one we wanted. I chose chocolate and coffee, and he chose tutti Frutti. We sat on a bench and talked for like an hour. And it seemed like he starts to trust me a little bit more.

"Well, it's getting late and we ate up all the ice cream. Can you please take me home?" I asked him.

"Of course."

After walking a few minutes, I asked.

"Can I please hold your hand?"

I had so much fun, and I didn't want it to end. But I couldn't just hold his hand. I wanted him to get comfortable with me. So, I asked. He looked a little shocked, but slowly he took his small hand in mine. They were so soft. Kill me please.

He drove me home, and I loved the look on his face when he saw were, I lived. It wasn't my home, but still. I told him goodbye before walking inside. When I came inside, I saw Nick and Alec sitting on the couch watching some lame show. I walked to them, turned off the tv and looked at them.

"We need to talk."

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