Chapter 2 part one

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Hey guys! Please read this. I really want to post a chapter today, but I'm kinda busy. I usually have 1000 words in my chapters, but today I take the first 500 words now in chapter 2 part one, and 500 words on chapter 2 part two tomorrow. I hope that's okay.

Loud noises. Lots of people. Annoyed parents and teenagers with too much energy.

First day of school after summer vacation.

I had never hated school, it was a little boring, but it's nots terrible. I have a lot of friends, being one of the most popular boys at school. I have never getting bullied, and I don't think anyone are stupid enough to try. I am on the football team, and the best player there, so I'm pretty strong.

I drove here with Sam, Alec and Nick. People are still surprised that we stopped bullying Sam and started being his friend. But they like it. Everyone is nice to him now, and if they are not, Alec sure will beat them up.

I started walking to the hall and looked for my locker. I was actually going to have my locker next to Alec, but of course he bribed the office, so he could have locker next to his princess. So I had to have a locker next to a newcomer. I hope that he isn't a douche.

I got my books from my locker and walked to class. I sat down at the table in the back, because people in the morning? No, thank you. But of course, people came to talk to me. They wanted to know what I've been doing this summer, or if I have gotten a girlfriend yet. I answered short, didn't wanted to be rude. But fortunately, Nick came and took the place next to me from this random dude. Thank god!


Finally, the first classes were over, and it was time for lunch. My favorite time of the day. I went to the caffeine, got my lunch from the nice lunch ladies and went to my table. I always sat there, on the same chair one the same table, with the same people. Well, now we had one more person.

Alec was currently trying to feed Sam some of the food he had made him before school started. Sam was currently blushing and trying to hide his embarrassment. Nick was trying to throw his food up in the air and catching it with his mouth. Failing miserable of course. Poor guy.

"So Lucas, how is the school been treating you today?" Nick asked with a smirk.

"Okay. I don't think the teachers hates me, at least three girls have been asking me on a date and four boys have been asking to hang out. I know, people can't stop loving me." I answered proud and loudly. So loud that Sam even flinched a little. I whispered a small sorry and he smiled.

"I still don't know how people can be attracted to you bro." Nick laughed. "But if you really want, you can give me some of the girls numbers."

I started laughing with him before taking a look out in the canteen. Nothing special that happened there. Girls was gossiping, boys were talking way too loudly. One boy was stood out tho. A boy that apparently nobody wanted to sit with.

And he was the cutest boy I've ever seen.

The bad boy's baby boyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang