You And Me

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Third laughed at the Sheep. They were both in the garden again. Another meeting going on inside the house.

Nazi had been getting very frustrated with everyone going against Schäfer, he just wanted a friend. And he desperately needed one as of Soviet's disappearance. Schäfer was the only one who understood him more. Yeah, he may be an animal but they both got each other like they knew each other from when they was born.

When one of them was unhappy or scared the other would be there for them. Comforting them.

Schäfer was great at comfort and making people happy. Actually, it was Austria-Hungary that liked the sheep as well. As he could not see anything, he could only feel and hear. And after stroking the animal's fluffy fleece, he felt happy. He felt like he also knew the animal, and that it was there for him whenever he felt alone.

Italy was also beginning to like the sheep now. He was wrong about it being to noisy. Schäfer helped keep the grass from growing and he also ate Alot of leftover vegetables from the Italian's cooking. So Italy didn't have to waste any more veggies thanks to the animal. Also, the sheep was great at socialising when you needed it.

So Third Reich, Italy and Austria-Hungary were the only one with the sheep.

Schäfer loved the attention he was getting with these countries.


Japan looked down at the pile of burnt wood. It was put out quite a while ago.

The Asian was getting closer to them. He looked around for more clues.
A large footprint in the mud, it wasn't anyone else's...was Britain with another person perhaps?
It seemed like it. Japan tried to smell the cold air, trying to use his cat abilities for once. But he got nothing. Guess he was following the faint shoe prints from what looked like Soviet's...


Nazi sighed as his brother walked up behind him.



The boy got up from the grass and dusted himself off. He looked at Prussia, a look of disgust on his face. Schäfer still eating the grass around him, not noticing the two countries. Not caring honestly, he was just hungry.

"Vhat do zu vant?"

"I just wanted to see how my little brother was doing. Because you don't live with me anymore do you? You live up here...with that."

Prussia gestured towards the animal. Nazi growled.

"Zu stay avay from hiz!"

"Why do you love it so much? Do you sleep with it or something?"

"Go avay Prussia. I dontz vant zu here."

"Listen here Nazi Germany, I want you to find Soviet. You two are great friends, right?"
Prussia rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Go. Avay. Prussia."

"This is your job. Go find Soviet."

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