Hung With Who

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The union made his way back to the Germans. Britain had said his farewell to the man and headed off earlier on.
It was sad to see his new friend leave him. USSR wasn't the one for attention or socialising. But with the situation he was in, he wanted company. He wanted to feel noticed and loved. Now he was the ' new guy ' he had all of it. And that made him happy.

He made it to the hole with the help of a map and a few colourful lines. Soviet could hear several people talking inside. His curiosity gained and the Russian walked inside.

The speaking stopped suddenly. All the Countries inside Stared at him.
Soviet looked around. There were Alot of them... only some he had recognised. Japan, Prussia and Third. Everyone else was new.

"Who's this guy?"

One of them asked.


Reich stood up from his bed and skipped over to Soviet. He smiled and turned to everyone else, excited.

"Everyone meetz Soviet. Soviet meetz my ozer friendz!"

Soviet liked the sudden excitement with the boy. Third's other 'Friendz' looked at the tall Country.

"We're not even your friend Nazi Germany. You're a kid."

Another one explained.

"I a-"

"Just shuta up. Tu, newa guy. Introduce yourself."

The same guy snapped. Prussia looked like he was about to shout at them, but he turned away.

Third's smile faded. He looked down and walked to his bed. This made Soviet feel guilty for him, the boy was never sad with Sov. Yeah, they only knew each other for two days now but it felt like they had a strong bond already.

"Its USSR."

"USSR? Any shorter name?"


The Union didn't like the Country's attitude. Like they was his boss. Their face looked like... Italy's?

"Soviet Union?"

Someone else spoke out. USSR quickly looked at them. One thing came to his mind. A painful flashback.

You were a kid then. They both had meetings together... Didn't they?
You never knew if they were meetings for violence or peace. But one thing was for sure, this guy was death.

"Remind me?"

"You've grown. Alot."

"German Empire right?"

"How's your father?"

"In hell. Where every monarch is."

"Power can do many things to a Country."

GE smiled, his head tilted. Soviet didn't know him very much. But enough to know that he had a very short temper.

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