Only A Little

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Soviet and Third had gone back to the sewers after Japan apologised to the Humans for all the noise.


USSR was woken up by the sound of... purring? He had slept on the floor next to Nazi's bed. Like a Sleepover.

No, a dog.

The Large man fully opened his eyes to see Third crouching over him. Purring.

The fuck?

Soviet's eyes widened, he did nothing but look into the boy's demonic eyes that were way to close to his own. They were staring deep down into his soul. Judging him, he knew it. This made Soviet very uncomfortable but he had no idea what to do.


The German carried out the 'M', he sounded like he just woke up in excitement. How was the Nazi awake at this time? Soviet's timezone was an hour ahead. Did the boy just sense that the union was waking up? Only to then teleport over the man and start making animal sounds. Looked like it.

Soviet looked over to Prussia's side of the room. The Avian was wide awake, writing stuff in his journal.

"Uh. Your brother -"

Prussia shot his head up, and looked down at the two countries. He didn't seem amused.

"Get off him you creep. Go back to bed, itz way to early for you."

Third shook his head at the grey man. Prussia's expression became angry, he suddenly opened up his wings which caused Nazi to gasp and jump back into his bed. Hiding under the covers.

"Thats what I thought."

The Avian continued to write, folding his wings back to a more comfortable position. The union looked at Prussia in awe.

Why can't Kazakhstan be more like that?
Oh so you're admitting he's a failure?
No, he just needs to learn.

Soviet sat up, his back ached from sleeping on the concrete floor.
Not comfortable I tell you that.
Better than sleeping in a human laboratory.
He was thinking sense now. If those humans did catch him, he would've been strapped to a cold, metal table- half naked with tubes coming out of him. At least, that's what the movies showed.

The Union stretched, finally standing up. He looked at his clothes that were hung up on a metal pipe. Someone had washed them.

After putting on his green turtle-neck jumper and ushanka, Soviet turned to Prussia. He was still writing.

"Uh. So. Is there anything I can do round here? Like something you do In free ti-"

"I do not have free time. Ever..."

Prussia snapped. He saw Soviet stare at him with an annoyed look. The Avian lowered his head.

"You can go to the surface though... We have marks on the walls to where the safest entrances are. You can go to them and explore I guess..."

Raspberries || SovBrit CountryhumansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora