Love at first sight

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Kusuo Saiki was walking down the street, on his way to get coffee jelly from the new cafe down the road. A black car drove beside him stuck in the traffic. From in the car, he could hear the thoughts of a boy named Metori Saiko. Saiko was raised in a wealthy family, so it was a bit unusual that he was thinking about how perfect a certain pink-haired boy was. 

Saiko's pov

"Find out everything about that boy there" Was all I said to my butlers and bodyguards. I needed to know everything about them, he looked so perfect. I plan on transferring to his school and definitely dating him. He is perfect.

Saiki's pov

Yara Yara. What is this boy going to do next? Those thoughts give off creepy vibes but whatever. I wonder what he wants and why does he think I'm perfect.


I don't know why but I've been thinking about that boy all day and I don't know what to do. He seems obsessed. Why? I don't get crushes and this is the reason.


Saiki woke up the next day, being immediately overwhelmed with people's thoughts, and got dressed for school. He grabbed his bag double checking he had everything and leaving. He heard his mother and father's thoughts about breakfast being ready. He walked downstairs to see his parents being lovey-dovey. 'Gross' He thought. He quickly ate his breakfast and walked to school. During the walk, a few of his classmates caught up with him, Teruhashi, Kaidou, Kuboyasu, Toritsuka, Imu and Nendou. The entire walk was all of the boys, except Saiki, simping for Both Imu and Teruhashi. 'Yara yara' he thought.

Teruhashi pov

I decided to bless this sad group with my presence. They were all happy about this obviously but Saiki. Recently, I have been thinking that Saiki may not like me but then I remember I'm the prettiest girl in school, who wouldn't like me.

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