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"Lilly," I heard Clara's voice whispering to me. She sounded close, like she was right in front of my face.

I didn't want to open my eyes just yet. I focused on feeling instead. I was laying down, I knew that much, wearing something I'm positive wasn't the same thing I put on this morning. There was a scratchy blanket on top of me, there was a faint beeping sound to my right. It didn't take long before I felt searing pain in my hands. I tried to move them, feeling the stiffness. They were wrapped in something, covered and I had no clue why.

I slowly opened my eyes, and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw Clara's bright blonde hair only inches away from me. She was looking down at me, tears swimming in her brown eyes. She looked worried, the skin on her face strained.

"Clara?" I croaked out, noticing my throat was dry. I tried to sit up, pushing against the bed I was in, but Clara only pushed me back down.

"Lilly, listen..." Clara started, but my mom's ringing voice cut her off.

"Lilly, sweetheart, you're up," my mom sighed in relief, and she emerged into my vision. It was then that I noticed I was in a hospital room. I felt my eyes widen as I looked down at my body, the spotted green hospital gown covering my body. My hands were indeed covered with something, both of them bandaged heavily.

"How are you feeling? How's your pain?" My mom asked me, coming to my side and placing her hands on my arms.

"I feel okay, mom, I'm just tired..."

"Jesse told us what happened," my mom rushed out, "you need to be taking better care of yourself darling."

"Jesse told you...?" I asked her, glancing towards Clara who only tilted her head at me.

"Yes, both him and Khalil were the ones who found you. Thank goodness they followed you into the bathroom," my mom continued, gently stroking my skin.

"Is he here?" I asked her, my mind swimming in confusion.

"He's here. They both are. I'll go get them," my mom let out, instantly rising to her feet and making her way towards the door.

"Wait, mom..." I tried to halt her, but she seemingly didn't even hear me as she waltzed out the door.

"Lilly, what the fuck happened?" Clara asked me, "is Jesse telling the truth? I mean, you never know with him. Oh my god, Lilly, you don't even understand how scared I was. The whole school was talking about it before I even knew what was going on. They made it sound like you were dead or something. I swear to fucking..."

"Lilly, babe," I heard Jesse's voice, causing Clara to stop talking instantly.

I looked towards the door, watching as Jesse strode into the room. Khalil followed him, then my mom, then a man in a white coat who I'm assuming was the doctor. Jesse came right to me, a disgustingly sweet look of care on his face as he grabbed my hand.

"Miss Lilac Green," the doctor said, glancing down at the clip board in his hand.

"It's Lilly," Jesse said instantly, almost cutting the doctor off.

"Right, Lilly. I'm Dr. Martin. I evaluated you when you came in. How are you feeling?"

I glanced around at all the people in my room in confusion, starting to feel overwhelmed. "I feel sore."

"Well, that's to be expected. You're receiving morphine through your IV, but I can increase the dose if you need it. Do you remember anything about what happened?"

I looked down at my hands, which were starting to hurt more and more by the second. I was beginning to feel the stitches that were underneath the bandages. Besides the pain from that, my head was throbbing. Then, I glanced at Clara, then back to Jesse. My eyes lingered on him for a moment, trying to decipher the look on his face.

Lilac's Lies Where stories live. Discover now