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"Today we are starting a new project," Mr. Micheals said from the front of the room, causing a mix of reactions to sound from the class. Clara sat up straighter beside me, flicking her blue pen between her fingers excitedly. I felt the groan of exhaustion leave my lips.

"You should have already read the outline which was passed out in class yesterday. You have all period to begin, and you don't need to remain in the classroom for it. You and your partner can find a place in the school to focus and try to do your best work." Mr. Micheals continued.

I felt my eyebrow raise in question of his trust for us. Surely he must have known that most of the students weren't going to work on it at all. Maybe I could convince my partner to let me take a nap somewhere.

"And... yes, you can choose your own partners. Save me from the misery of the begging that will no doubt occur if I deprive you from that luxury." Mr. Micheals waved his hand at us, clearly dismissing us

There goes my hopes of having a nap. Or, maybe I could do everything wrong on purpose and Clara will take over. I titled my head as I weighed the option. It could work, she's enough of control freak for it.

"Let's go." Clara said, and though I knew she was happy about having a new project to showcase her intellect, her voice was still off from the way it usually sounded.

I picked up my books, sighing as I followed her out of the classroom. We were the last to leave, the other students no doubt excited for this permitted excuse to skip. Clara seemed to know where she was going, so I didn't question her as she weaved through the hallways.

"No one will be in here, no one will bug us." Clara said to me, her head turning over her shoulder like she wanted to confirm I was still following her. She pushed through a door I wasn't familiar with. Which wasn't surprising, considering our school was so huge.

"Okay." I knew full well that Clara's knowledge of the school beat mine any day.

I looked over her as she pushed the door open. It was a large room, filled with rows of seats and a small stage at the end of it. It must be one of the threatre spaces, maybe a back up since the main one was much larger than this. I don't know how Clara knew about it, though, she was no good at theatre.

"I used to sneak around with Chett here in freshman year." Clara spoke out, seemingly reading my thoughts.

"Ah, Chett. How could I forget?" I mused back to her. He was the beginning of Clara's promiscuous behaviour. They were well suited for each other actually, Clara almost cried when he moved away.

We made our way to the small stage, climbing up the stairs on the right side and walking out on the black floor. The wood creaked beneath us, feeling hollow under my feet. There were two picnic tables on the stage, one on either side. I debated sitting on one, but my suspicion that it might be a prop got the better of me. You can never trust anything to do with theatre.

I lowered my body to the stage floor instead, throwing my books on the ground beside me. I let my legs fall to the side, crossing my ankles together. Clara followed my actions, but she laid down on her stomach instead. She sprawled out her many books In front of her, and a notebook front and centre.

"Ok, Lilly, it's enough. I'll do it. Just... sit there and don't touch anything else." Clara said after ten minutes. I had spent the last eight of those purposely writing down the wrong information and misspelling everything. Some of the latter was on purpose.

I sat back, feeling the smirk show up on my face. She could pretend she wasn't happy about it, but she and I both knew that this was better for her control freak self. I watched her as she worked, feeling admiration for my best friend bloom in my stomach.  I loved her so much. And I was worried for her. The remembrance of what we were currently involved in wiped that smirk right off my face.

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