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Brett and Jesse didn't seem amused in the slightest.

They were staring at Samuel and Roman with narrowed eyes, and once again, I could feel the anger radiating off Jesse.

"How did you two even get in here?" Brett snapped, his eyes focused on Samuel, "isn't there some abandoned house you should be in? The people here are a little out of your league."

Samuel laughed, his grin growing even larger, "I wish I could tell you just how wrong you are."

My eyes flickered towards Clara, who was biting down on her lip. We both knew what Samuel was referring to.  We both knew the words that he left off the end, and those words were I fucked your girlfriend.  

My stomach was in knots because I was simply left wondering what Roman and Samuel's intentions were. Roman and his sly comment about me being good at games, yet here he was, playing a game of his own. While my game was simply out of self-preservation, I couldn't say the same for theirs. Their game, well it felt like the only goal was to make us all uncomfortable at the best. They were about to unleash a serving of secrets at worst. 

"So, a game?" Roman asked us, again. I glanced at Jesse this time, who was clutching his bottle of beer so tightly I was worried his fingers might break the dark brown glass, sending the glass pieces flying towards us all.

"Don't you have someone else to piss off?" Jesse asked, his voice almost a growl.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Roman chimed out, completely unaffected by Jesse's tone. "Scared we might show you up in front of your girlfriends, again?"

My eyes practically bulged out of my head when I heard the word again, but thankfully Jesse's testosterone was running too high to register the word. What the hell were they doing? After all the bullshit Roman said, about how he could be there for me... yeah, right. The way he was acting, he was only proving my point. Kissing him was a mistake, believing him... a mistake. A huge one. 

"You think you can show me up? Me?" Jesse scoffed, a dark chuckle closely following. My eyes only bore further into Clara's; we both knew nothing good could come of this.

"Unless you're scared," Samuel answered. He took a step closer to Clara, who had suddenly seemed to sober right up, like the alochol had evaporated from her blood completley. 

"You're not scared... not of us, not after all that talk, right Jacob?" Roman finished his sentence. The way he was standing, his shoulder's broad and standing to his full height, he was intimidating, and I wasn't sure if we trying to be.

"It's Jesse, asshole," Jesse spat, "there's nothing to be scared of. I could beat you in anything, blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back. Name the game."

"A couple of jocks like you two should have no trouble beating us in, let's say, a friendly game of beer pong?" Samuel mused out. He already had a ping pong ball between his fingers, and he began tossing it back and forth between each hand.

Jesse let out a chuckle, and I knew why. He and Brett were the reigning beer pong champions, probably because they spent hours every weekend playing that ridiculous game. Brett joined in on his laughter, and the two of them fist-bumped. I studied Roman and Samuel, instead of looking discouraged by the other boy's show of confidence, they looked at each other like they had an inside joke, one that was absolutely hilarious. Roman's eyes had a certain shine in them, and the corners of Samuel's mouth began to twitch upwards.

"You're on," Brett boomed, his newfound smile plastered to his face.

They moved towards the designated beer pong table, Brett and Jesse seemingly forgetting Clara and mine's existence. Roman and Samuel however, both looked back towards us. They didn't provide any sort of gesture, no facial expressions that we could try to decipher. Their eyes lingered for only a moment before they turned to play their game.

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