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"Roman?" I asked, my eyebrows lowering, "did you hear me?"

Roman looked like he was too busy processing what I just said to answer. He sat up straighter in his chair, and he was looking down at me like I was speaking another language.

"Sorry," Roman told me after another moment, then his mouth turned from a straight line into a smile. "I'm going to need to hear you say that again."

I felt my lips widen, the edges pointing upwards. I reached my hands out, laying them on his thighs. "I said, I like you Roman."

Roman snaked his arms around my waist so quickly that I almost jumped, which no doubt would have caused me to fall of the stool. I didn't have time to let out a squeal or even a laugh, because he pulled me onto his lap instead. I closed my legs around his waist, pulling my body closer to him as my stomach dances in circles.

Roman's lips met mine, and he kissed me. Though, just like last night his kiss was different than the ones I had experienced before. While the others were desperate and left me gasping with want, this one was light and airy. I could feel the way he was still smiling as our lips moved together.

Even still, I began to feel the drive of lust pump through my veins again. I pushed my mouth harder against his, trying to convince him to open his mouth so I could let my tongue in. When he realized what I was doing, however, he pulled back. The smile was still on his lips, and he shook his head as a low chuckled escaped his chest.

"Babe, how about we take this slower?" He asked me, and I felt my lips pout in response. "You barely know me."

"So?" I told him, biting down on my lip as my blood still felt soaked in need. "I barely knew you last night, too."

Roman's chuckle turned into a laugh at that, and he tightened his arms which were still around my waist. "Even though I told you that you'd be in my bed naked, I didn't think that's the only place you'd want to be."

"Well, you told me that you would give me the best sex of my life, remember?" I joked with him, and I couldn't help the smile that was bursting on my lips. It felt strange, I hadn't felt that in a while. "You can't expect to deliver on that and then hold out on me."

"No one is holding back, Lilac," Roman told me, and he loosened one the arms that was wrapped around my waist. He brought his hand towards my face, gently grabbing my chin. "I don't expect I'll last long anyways. But, I want something real with you. I don't just want sex. I want everything with you. I want to show you what it's like to have everything with someone, and I can't do that if we're locked in my bedroom."

I titled my head as I took in his words, the butterflies in my stomach becoming more like doves being set free. Once he was done speaking, he dragged his eyes down my body.

"No matter how much I want to," Roman added, his voice low again. He let go of my chin, and he pushed away a stray strand of hair that had fallen onto my face. "Please tell me you don't have anywhere to go tonight."

"No where." I told him quickly, and even if I did, I had a feeling I wouldn't have gone anyways.

"Good." Roman smiled at me, "I have a match tonight, I want you to come. I think Clara will be there with Samuel."

"Okay," I easily agreed, and a part of me was excited to see him fight again.

"But, until then, we can talk." Roman told me, and though I realized that was a good idea, I wanted to do much more than talk.

"Okay?" Roman asked me, and he pressed a quick peck to my mouth as if to convince me.

When I nodded, he stood from the stool, once again the weight of my body seemingly not affecting him. He easily walked towards the couch with me around his waist, and he placed me on the sofa before sitting beside me.

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