Ghostface (18+)

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You hear the distinct sound of the gates open signaling your escape route, but you're more than a little preoccupied browsing the filthy bottles of booze in the dead dawg saloon. Once you are happy with your selection you make your way to the open gate, bottles in arm. You haven't seen or heard from your fellow survivors, or the killer for that matter, so you assume they all left and your hunter was now scouting the area for you. You're just a few feet from the door when you see him running directly at you knife raised high. "Huh? Woah, HEY!" You yell out dodging his attack with ease and earning his attention, "If you make me drop these your ass is gonna be the one hanging from one of those hooks." You threaten him, but Ghostface just shakes his head. "What are you gonna do with those make molotovs?" He retorts, "And waste it all on you assholes? God no, after the day I had these are mine." You continue walking to the gate, but of course he blocks your way again right before you can exit, twirling his knife expertly between his gloved fingers, "Feisty as always, (y/n)." You look away with a scoff, "Oh you know me.." you drawl. "Okay, make you a deal," he starts circling you while you roll your eyes waiting for his so called "deal". "I'll let you go, only if you meet me outside the camps and share all that." he finishes lazily pointing the knife in your direction. You sigh heavily, considering his wager, "Right...bye!" You step backward over the threshold of the fog leaving him standing in shock while the realization of what just happened hits him.

He waits patiently in the woods for you for what feels like forever. 'She really isn't coming.' He thinks to himself right before he hears a rustling of bushes, he turns just in time to see you climb through the bramble with an old pillowcase used as transport for the bottles, in clutch. "I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show." He says, you roll you eyes and give a sarcastic pose showcasing that you are in fact there, "I always keep my word." You say closing the distance between you, opening the pillowcase before looking inside, "What's your poison Mr. Ghostface?" You ask, "Danny. And I'm sure most of that is whiskey anyway." He says with a chuckle removing his mask, which shocks you when you look up to hand him a bottle. "So that's what you look like under that thing... Danny?" You question realizing what he had just said, "Yes, Danny, my name." He smirks taking a sip leaning back against a large tree, "Sorry were you expecting the pretty boy singer gone psycho instead?" You shake your head with a slight laugh opening your own bottle, "Never expected you to be so normal looking is all." You smile, "Hm, I seemed to have left my 10 other sets of eyes at home." He muses as you give a small chuckle settling on a rock with a sigh. "Rough day, doll?" He asks glancing at you, "Oh no, I just adore being sliced to bits." You retort bitterly, taking a long drink from the bottle. "Huh, and all this time I thought you were afraid of it." You sit in a long silence staring straight ahead into the darkening woods, "I am afraid." You whisper. He nods, "Now we're getting somewhere. So why act so tough?" He asks watching you closely, you look down a shake your head. "If you look weak you're done for. After all who are you more likely to go after, someone who challenges you or the weakest link?" You ask looking him, tears threatening to prickle at your eyes. You take in his appearance as you watch him take in your words, he was oddly attractive under his mask. Young with messy dark hair that fell against his forehead, brown eyes and a strong jawline with a slight 5 o'clock shadow, it's hard to picture him as the man who repeatedly chases you all, wildly slashing his weapon. "But, you and I both know that doesn't always work." You say softly as you look away. He knew exactly what you were talking about, he couldn't remove the memory from his brain no matter how hard he tried. It had happened during a trial, you were among the survivors he was after, you were a fast worker and easily blew through the generators with your friends, but when you got separated and he had either killed or chased the others out, you were left alone together. He was always intrigued by you, how much of a hardass with a quick tongue you were, feisty and ready to fight until the last second, and he couldn't deny it was attractive, how many times he forgot what he was doing watching you skillfully dash around his feeble attempts to swipe at you. He had known you were slightly gone when he found you, focusing on trying to find the hatch, but a hazy look in your eyes from drowning your fear in a bottle of booze prior to the trial was very evident. You were already injured but still gave him a good chase, throwing sharp comments over your shoulder and dodging him for a while before you faltered in your step and he grabbed you by the arm tightly, plunging his knife deep into your stomach, you knew it was game over. Your cocky laugh had turned into a choked sob as you leaned forward and gripped onto his arms desperately. He twisted the blade and slid it upwards effectively slicing you up more, he pulled the knife out and watched you drop to the ground gasping and coughing up blood as the warm liquid crawled up your throat. He stepped back for a moment, the sight before him should have excited him, but instead it horrified him. The image of you laying face down, one hand under you holding you wound as your other was stretched out toward him, your face becoming dangerously pale as the pool of blood around you got bigger while you left out garbled cries made Danny feel sick as he took mercy, walking to stand over your body he slams his knife into your back, your head lulled to the side and he stumbled back dropping his knife, he reached up ripping his mask off suddenly feeling smothered by it as he watched the entity whisk your body away. By the time he had gotten back to camp he was as pale as his mask and the other killers were concerned, but he brushed them off claiming sickness and stayed inside his cabin the rest of the night. After that he subconsciously prayed that you were never in his trials, that your paths wouldn't cross and leave him with that choice again. He draws a shaky breath at the memory as he watched you fiddle with the bottle in your hands. "You know, I've killed dozens of people both inside and outside of this realm, but you were the only one that screwed with me." He finally says, "Something about the way you gripped onto me..." he pause to swallow thickly, "I wanted to take to you to the exit, but I knew you'd bleed out too fast so I put end to the pain." You soaked in his words and let them turn in your head, something you never would've considered was that you both shared trauma from that experience, you look up as he walks closer to you. "I guess it allowed me to see the real you, and not the facade you put up." He plays with a strand of you hair before moving it behind your ear, "And personally I much prefer the girl behind it.." he trails off leaning in just enough to brush his lips across yours, it makes your heart pick up pace, and you weren't sure if it was the alcohol in him talking or if he mutually shared the same feelings you have, but you could practically feel the desire hanging in the air around you both. You slowly reach your hand up wanting to touch him but hesitating, he grabs your hand pulling it to his chest and wrapping his arm around your waist and gripping you close, lips connecting in a heated session. Bottles lay spilling onto the ground as you're both nearly completely naked, Danny has you pinned against a tree, your legs wrapped tightly around his hips while he supports you by your ass. You moan as he leaves marks across your neck trailing down to your exposed breasts, grinding against your barely clothed core, he groans against your skin and suddenly puts you on your feet, he makes quick work of pulling your panties off leaving you bare for him, he bends to one knee and quickly puts one of your legs over his shoulder before plunging two fingers inside you, his tongue quickly follows suit as he presses long flat licks to your clit, sucking and nipping at the sensitive bundle while he pumps his fingers in you. Your mouth hangs open while he draws moan after moan from you, not wanting to finish yet you remove your leg from his shoulder and yank him back up, you kiss him deeply tasting yourself on him as you suck his tongue earning a moan from him. You push his boxers down and start stroking his hardened member as your name falls from his mouth repeatedly, finally he can't take it anymore and lifts you up again, roughly slamming you against the tree, you both let out breathless moans, "I need you." He pants, warm breath fanning your face. "Then take me." You reply. He bites and sucks at your bottom lip as he enters you, he sharply inhales as he feels your hot slick walls glide against his needy cock. Within minutes he has you screaming out in pure ecstasy while he rails you hard against the rough bark, each thrust leaving you both hungry for more. Months of suppressed lust that hid unspoken just below the the surface finally coming forth, and he was fucking you hard enough to make up for every missed opportunity. Your nails dig scratches along his back while his fingers gripped your hips rough enough to leave bruises. "Please...don't...stop!" You manage between moans as he continued to relentlessly pound into you, "Not a chance, baby." He growls against your lips pushing himself to go harder, his swollen tip slamming at just the right angle to make you scream out of pleasure. You were getting closer by the second, desperately clawing at him as the knot tightened in your stomach, he could tell by how your walls were squeezing him that you were ready. He moves a hand between you and rubs your clit, only intensifying your build up of pleasure, barely able hold on himself when you throw your head back screaming his name as you clench around him milking his own orgasm out of him, he cums buried deep inside giving a few sloppy thrusts to finish riding out your highs. You both are glistening with a thin sheen of sweat as you slowly untangle yourselves, he chuckles when you can barely stand, quickly pecking you on the lips. "Yeah...I definitely prefer you this way." He says breathless making you smile and bury your face in the crook of his neck. "Only for you." You mumble contently.

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