Leon (18+)

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You run through the halls of an unfamiliar building, thundering feet of the giant mutant behind you made you push yourself further, your lungs were burning but you couldn't afford to slow down. You glanced behind you to see him preparing to strike you with that awful appendage, you dash to the side as he slams it forward narrowly missing you. He falters in his step for a spit second when a generator blows up near by and it gives you enough time to put some distance between you. But, not for long as he injures you further than before forcing you to fight through the pain and run faster, you slam down a pallet in his way, stunning him and continue your escape. You yelp as you're yanked into a room, a warm hand over your mouth and a body pressing you firmly against a dark corner effectively hiding you from the monster as he dashes by. Pinned so tightly in the small space you can't get a look of who helped you, but you being so close you can smell just a lingering hint of cologne. Once the killer was a safe distance away your savior removes their hand from your mouth and you look up at the unfamiliar face of a man, an attractive one at that. "You alright?" He asks softly with kind eyes. You nod, "What was that thing?" He starts looking over your wounds, "A tyrant. Did he infect you?" You take a moment to understand, but remembering your hit teammate started to slowly get sick made you realize what he meant. "No, just used me like a punching bag." You half laugh but wince when he starts cleaning the broken skin, you take note of the police uniform he's wearing and how his blond hair falls in his eyes while his brows are furrowed together in concentration, you heart speeds up. "Thank you by the way...uh?" You trail off realizing you didn't know his name and couldn't see a name tag on his uniform, he glances up with a charming smile. "Leon, Leon Kennedy. And you're welcome I know first hand how scary situations like that can get." He chuckles, "I can imagine being an officer will do that," You give a small smile, "I'm (y/n)." He finishes wrapping your wound and locks eyes with you, "Beautiful name, also technically I got only as far as my first day before the dead started walking and I got pulled here, but let's keep that between us cause I like the way Officer sounds." He says with a wink causing a laugh out of you. The rest of the trial Leon was right beside you he made sure to try to keep you from harms way, but when he couldn't save you from getting hooked he blinded the Tyrant with a flash grenade and whisked you away safely to the fog.

You remember that day often, how immediately taken with each other you were and how every trial that you two were put in together you always found Officer Leon Kennedy by your side. You couldn't hide that you had feelings for each other and it wasn't long before you both made it known to the other person how you felt, unfortunately for you while Leon felt the same way he also needed time to make absolute sure his feelings were true and not a rebound from his recent breakup that took place right before getting pulled into the entity's realm. Of course you understood and were thankful he cared enough about you to make sure how he really felt, but it made being near him hard at first knowing your feelings for one another. You pull yourself out of your thoughts, it's been weeks, upon agonizingly long weeks since he told you that, but thankfully things got easier and less awkward leaving you to your current situation of working on generators with Leon once again close by your side. The two of you cracking small jokes while you repaired the gens, talking softly amongst yourselves to pass the time and make things feel not as terrifying. Leon's heart drops when you're yanked away from beside him as you're almost into the exit back to camp, your scream alerts the other survivors as your skin gets torn up by the rusty hook. You groan in pain as the killer stands there watching you writhing around, You notice Jake first, coming behind the killer and throwing a rock his way before Jane takes over beaming a flashlight in his face, Leon quickly grabs you off the hook and protects you from behind while the killer blindly swings their blade at him effectively slicing Leon but he kept pushing until you both were out safely. When you make it back to camp you're still clinging onto his side, "Thank you." You say letting go, a deep blush across your cheeks. "Anytime. I'll, uh, see you later?" You nod heading towards your cabin. After a warm shower to refocus, now that trials were done for the day, you rest across your bed deep in thought about the two of you when Feng comes bursting through your door. "Dude! Bill got a radio!" She exclaims breathlessly causing you to raise an eyebrow, you all had radios, well more like broken cd players, cassette decks or old MP3 players that only had already programmed music prior to being tossed at the junkyard that you all, at once point or another, managed to sneak back to camp from trials, but nonetheless you had some type of entertainment. You silently motion toward your own broken player with small pile of scratched cds. She shakes her head, "No, like he got radio as in live music on a station!" You sit up quickly, "No way!" You say not believing that he managed to pull a real station into whatever realm you're stuck in. "Yes! Now c'mon Ace even managed to smuggle some alcohol from the saloon!" She grabs your hand dragging you off your bed and out of the cabin to the crowd of survivors all seemingly having the time of their lives at the campfire with a staticky radio playing music over them. You laugh in bewilderment, finally something that made things feel normal. "Hey sweet cheeks, want a drink?" Yui calls with a smirk, her arm draped around an awkward looking Claire with a cup in one hand and bottle of what looked to be whiskey in the other. You smile at her but shake your head, "I'm alright Yui, but thanks for the offer!" You politely decline heading to Bill who was sitting in an old camping chair sipping on something unknown, cigarette in hand. "Bill this is amazing how did you manage?" You praise him but he waves it off, "You learn a few things in the military, kid. This was nothing just played around until I got something." You laugh and watch your friends dance, things felt good for once and you were happy, suddenly a hand pops in front of you, "Would you like to dance?" You look up at Leon and hesitate "I'm not much of a dancer.." you trail off shyly and he shrugs "Me either, but between you and me I think everyone is a little too far gone to notice even if we were." You smile and take his hand as he pulls you close and starts swinging you along to an old, but familiar song coming through the the radio speakers. You couldn't help but laugh as he spun you around, hand still in his and caught you from behind in a hug as the song ended. You blushed when a few of your fellow survivors clapped and whistled before going back to dancing or chatting. "Can I talk to you?" Leon whispers in your ear, you turn to look at him before nodding, he quietly leads you away from the group into the wooded area behind camp where a small stream runs through. You both stop walk and you lean back against a large rock with Leon standing directly in front of you, "I, uh, thought a lot about how I feel about you..." He trails off, reaching forward to grab one of your hands and starts fidgeting with it, avoiding your eyes. Your heart speeds up out of nerves, what if he doesn't really feel the same? He starts talking again cutting off your thoughts, "I thought about my ex and how she hurt me, how afraid I was to hurt you the same way if I was just rebounding out of fear of being alone." His fingers trace along the lines of your palms, "I also thought about everything that happened right before I got brought here, like how many people I witnessed die but when I came here and I met you, it was a welcomed relief to have someone like you with me, and I realized after the weeks of being here with you, that I just don't like you.." he takes a deep breath and your heart feels like it just shattered in your chest slicing you deeper with each passing second, you swallowed hard and nod fighting tears that prickled at your eyes threatening to spill. "I understand.. thank you for letting me know.." you speak softly gently pulling your hand away moving to leave, but Leon grabs your wrist giving you a confused look before panic sat in, "That's- no I-I... bad choice of wording!" He struggles to get out fast enough to stop you from going, he pulls you back to completely face him. "I mean that after spending so much time with you here I don't just like you, I think I've got deeper feelings than that. Any time one of those monsters grab you I feel like I can't breathe until I get you away from them safely, it kills me ever thinking about the times I can't protect you.. and you're definitely not a rebound because I don't believe my ex ever made me feel the way I do about you, I've fallen in love with you." He finishes looking at you with such adoration that a few stray tears that fell down your cheek, but Leon was quick to brush them away before resting his warm hand against your cheek. You nod, "I feel the same way...I mean I love you too that is." And that was all it took for his lips to capture yours in a deep kiss, the kind that leaves you absolutely breathless and wanting more. He pins you back against the rock, both of his hands now holding your face while you gripped his shirt pulling him closer, weeks of desire and feelings poured into your passionate embrace. He leans his forehead against yours when you break apart, lungs desperately screaming for oxygen making you both hungrily gulp air to soothe them. "We can go to my cabin.." He offers between breaths, not wanting to rush you into things, but is pleasantly surprised when you eagerly nod.

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