Chapter 14

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Reyanna, Riley, Michelle, and Michael were all still standing on the track when campus police arrived to take statements. Reyanna and Michael had to write down they're version of everything that had happened to them over the past month and a half, including what they had just witnessed. Michelle, leaving nothing to chance, had recorded the entire conversation on her phone, including Denise and Randall's confession, so the police had to confiscate her phone for evidence. "Glad to know that piece of crap was good for something," Michelle said, "I had planned on getting a new phone anyways, since that one was acting up. I'll just report it stolen to expedite the process." By the time the police got everyone's statements and left, Michelle and Riley were already sitting in the bleachers talking to Crystal. Crystal was really taking what Denise said kind of hard. "She's crazy Crystal," Michelle said, "I saw you in action myself today and there is no way you are mediocre."

"Thanks Michelle," Crystal said, "I guess it's just- I mean, I truly thought she was our friend. We've been here at Brown running for two years together, and I've always felt I did a pretty good job reading people and seeing behind the mask but I didn't even pick up on it with her. I just can't believe I got played like that." "She played us all Crys," Reyanna said coming over. "She put on this whole innocent girl routine to get close to the both of us and fooled us all. Nobody saw her true colors, so don't beat yourself up about it." "I just don't understand how you're so calm Rey," Crystal said clearly upset. She and Denise had been friends long before Reyanna had even come into Brown University. They both welcomed her with open arms her first day on the team, and Crystal just couldn't wrap her head around the fact that this whole friendship was all a lie.

"Crys I'm sure it didn't start out as a lie," Reyanna said reading her body language. "And it's not necessarily about me being calm as much as it is me being grateful." "I don't understand," Crystal said as Reyanna sat on the bleachers next to her. "For the past month and a half Denise and Randall have been making my life a living hell and I never understood why until now. What they didn't realize though was that the more they tried to destroy me, the more effort and work I put in at practice. You see, yeah I was upset and struggling in classes, but on the track that was how I coped. I channeled all of my stress and worry into the workouts and running, making me stronger and faster. So the whole time Denise was trying to break me, she didn't realize that she was actually building me up and making me stronger. Now my relationships are back on track, I'm closer to beating the school record, and my times have increased all because of what she did. So for that I'm thankful. And now she's given you a reason to train and work harder too, so you can prove to her and yourself just how great you are and how much you want and deserve this. I saw you doubting yourself a lot around her but now you have no reason to doubt, but to just keep pushing."

"Wow Rey, I never thought about it like that," Crystal said wiping her eyes. "That's actually pretty insightful of you. "Ha-ha, well thanks Crys, I have my moments." "Alright well I'm going to head home and shower," Crystal said. "It's been a long day and I just need a glass of wine and some soft music to clear my head. But best believe tomorrow at practice I'm coming with a whole new attitude. And with this new attitude, I think I'm going to start working on trying to get that new hot water heater for the showers." "Sounds like a plan to me," said Reyanna with a smile as she got up to to give Crystal a hug and watched her leave. "Well I don't know about you guys," Michelle said, "But I feel like this calls for a celebration." "Great idea Chelle," Michael said turning to look at Reyanna. "You have anything in mind Rey?" "After the craziness I've been through I just want to dive into a chocolate brownie fudge sundae, with extra whipped cream and sprinkles," Reyanna said with a laugh. "Hey after what you've been through, you earned it," said Riley. "Hey, I'll call Jason and tell him to meet us at the ice-cream shop." "Good idea Ri," Michelle said. "Umm, since I don't have my phone right now," "Don't worry Chelle I got you. I'll text Austin and let him know too." "Thanks. Alright come on everyone let's go."

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