Chapter 3: Riley

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Riley loved Brown University’s cafeteria, as did most of the students. She recalled back to last year when she first arrived here on campus as a freshman seeing the cafeteria for the first time, and she knew right away she was going to need to enroll in a lot of fitness classes and start working out, otherwise there wouldn’t be a freshman fifteen for her but a freshman twenty-five. They had such a variety of foods it was like eating in downtown restaurants. They had a sushi bar, with sushi made fresh every day, a hibachi grill, an Italian cuisine section (which had become one of her recent favorites), that served dishes from spaghetti to manicotti. The Italian dishes section actually was just one of four sections that made up the International Cuisine Restaurant (Italian, Asian, Indian, and Mediterranean). There were five miniature restaurants that made up the entire cafeteria. There was the International Cuisine Restaurant, the Backyard Bistro Restaurant, which consisted of any bar-b-que you could imagine. There was the American Pub Restaurant which served your burgers and fries, hotdogs, wings, and other American favorites. Then there was the South of the Border restaurant which was basically just a giant Moe’s, and then finally the Southern Cookin’ Restaurant section which specialized in all of your southern comfort foods. Students could choose to dine in that specific section, or come to the middle of the dining commons where many people would come with friends and have plates of food from different restaurants in the cafeteria.

“Let me guess, you’re going to get something Italian right,” said Jason with a smirk. For the past two weeks Riley had lived in the Italian section. She had to admit that she was taking the whole trip to Italy thing a bit far, but from the first moment she had experienced her first slice of authentic lasagna, she had fallen in love with not just the food but also the culture. She guessed that maybe her eating at the Slice of Italy bar in the International Restaurant was her way of holding on to that little piece of Italy she got to experience over the summer. “Nah I think I’ve had enough manicotti for now. What I could really go for is fried chicken, mac-n’-cheese, collard greens, and corn bread,” she said rubbing her belly with a smile. "Ah man that sounds so good right now,” said Jason closing his eyes and imagining the gooey mac-n-cheese falling off his fork, "but coach has had us on a strict diet, and doing some hard practices and workouts in preparation for the Homecoming Game in the fall.”

“Oh man that sucks,” she said, “but that’s a bit early isn’t it? It’s only February.” “You know what, you’re right… screw it,” said Jason as he clapped his hands and rubbed them together, “I’ll just suffer at practice. Lead the way Ri.” The Southern Cookin’ Restaurant was actually one of the most popular places to eat at the cafeteria because it really did provide the comforts of homemade southern foods for students, even when they were miles away from home. Mrs. Dent, the head chef in the kitchen and the main person in charge of the menu, was a Brown University alumni and a southern belle at that. After receiving her degree in culinary arts, Mrs. Dent dedicated her life to revamping the Southern Cookin’ menu so that it provided students with the comforts of home, while tasting delicious and being nutritious. She had substituted using ham hock in the greens for Turkey necks so it tasted just as good, and replaced Crisco for her own secret batter to fry the chicken that was completely kosher. It was a very popular and welcomed change amongst students, faculty, and guests alike.

“Hey Mrs. Dent, what’s on the menu today,” said Riley as she got to the front of the line. “Well hey Riley,” said Mrs. Dent with a warm smile. “Well today I got some stuff I really think ya’ll are gonna like. I got smothered chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, fried chicken fresh out the grease, some black-eyed peas, yams, collards, and my famous 4-layer mac-n-cheese.” “Well look at god,” said Riley as she rubbed her stomach, the scent of the food so intoxicating her mouth was watering. “I’ll have some of everything Mrs. Dent,” said Jason already giving her his tray. “Well now I don’t know if I should Jason, I hear that coach of yours has you boys out there workin’ hard, and I don’t want you getting sick at practice. You not gonna have the school blaming me if you perform poorly out on that field because my food slowed down one of the dynamic duo,” said Mrs. Dent. “Mrs. Dent I promise you coach won’t hear anything from me. It’ll be our little secret,” he said flashing his pearly white teeth. Riley thought about all the times Jason had used that same move to have practically every female on campus swooning over him and how that same smile got him out of a couple of deadlines in some of his classes too. She had to admit though, he did have a beautiful smile. His teeth were perfectly straight and white and he had dimples on both sides of his cheeks

“Oh Jason you smooth talker you,” said Mrs. Dent giggling and blushing. “Works every time,” thought Riley as she rolled her eyes with a smile. “Oh alright, but just this once. After today you gotta get back on your diet so you and Austin can beat those Hornets at the Homecoming Game this year,” she said as she plopped the mac-n-cheese on the plate, four layers of cheese just oozing into the plate. Riley and Jason couldn’t wait to sink their teeth into it. “Well you know it’s not just us Mrs. Dent, we rely on the whole team. Without them we wouldn’t be anything out there,” said Jason taking his tray. “Well anyway, when you boys win, I’ll make you a nice sweet potatoe pie to celebrate.” “Mrs. Dent you keep feeding me and treating me like this I’m going to have to steal you from Mr. Dent and make you my wife,” Jason said flashing his famous smile. “Oh Jason,” she said blushing with her hand over her mouth. “Hush now before you get me in trouble. Besides I see you and this pretty lady come in everyday and you mean to tell me you still haven’t gone steady? I’m telling you, you better snatch this one up for some knuckle head comes and takes her from you,” said Mrs. Dent looking directly at Riley. “Oh, uh, Mrs. Dent I-umm… me and Riley are just friends,” said Jason completely taken aback by her statement. He looked over at Riley and saw that she was blushing. “Yeah child, well that’s how me and Mr. Dent started out and look at us now. Going on 20 years this November. You know back in the day when Mr. Dent and I had first started going steady, he-” “Mrs. Dent, I don’t mean to be rude but Jason and I have to get going,” interjected Riley. The conversation was getting awkward and she knew Jason was ready to leave just as much as she was. “We have class in a couple of hours, and besides if we don’t eat now we’ll have to rush to class and only have time for a granola bar?” “Oh heavens no! Ya’ll gone head and eat now don’t let me hold you up. And Jason you remember what I said now. She not gonna wait forever,” said Mrs. Dent eyeing Riley, and with that she disappeared back into the kitchen.

“Good ole’ Mrs. Dent,” said Riley as she and Jason sat down at a table by the window. “Always imparting her words of wisdom one fried chicken wing at a time.” “Yeah,” said Jason with a chuckle, “I know she means well but man that woman will talk your ear off. I’m glad you said something when you did, because that was one conversation I did not want to have with Mrs. Dent. Next thing you know she would start trying to give us “The Talk”, said Jason using air quotes. “I heard she actually did that to a kid once, in front of this girl he had a huge crush on,” said Riley stuffing her mouth with yams. No matter how much Mrs. Dent could talk your ears off that woman knew she could cook her butt off, and everyone else on campus knew it too. Jason and Riley had gone through the line just in time as the lunch crowd started piling outside the little southern restaurant.

Riley had wondered why Jason had never asked her out over all these years. They had gotten pretty close over the past couple of years, and had even hung out together outside of the group, but whenever they were alone he never tried anything with her, and it seemed like he was always in a hurry to go off somewhere these past couple of months. Sometimes she would try to meet up with him after practice, but by the time the guys were out from the showers, Austin had told her he had skipped the showers because he had to leave early. It felt like sometimes he was avoiding her, and after the whole incident with Mrs. Dent…well she just wasn’t sure anymore. Maybe she was reading too much into this. After all this was Jason she was talking about, and they had really gotten close over the summer while she was in Italy.

That same summer, about a week after visiting his mom in jail, he took a trip to Italy to visit his father’s parents. He hadn’t seen them in years since his father’s funeral. His grandmother was so upset that she lost her only son and blamed his mom for it all. She did eventually apologize, and he tried to keep in contact by calling them and writing letters, but after they moved into their new house, his life got so busy that the letters and phone calls stopped. When things started getting better and his mom got the job as Mrs. Turner’s receptionist at her real-estate agency, they decided to take a family trip, just the two of them, to visit everyone in Italy and all catch up… that had been two years ago, and he couldn’t wait to see them and tell them that he had graduated and gotten a full-ride scholarship to Brown University. His grandmother was so proud and happy that she cried tears of joy and got the whole family together so they could celebrate. That day Riley was able to get away from her mom for the day and hang out with Jason, and she got to see another side of Jason that made her smile and feel so warm inside. She knew how much he cared for his mother and the Turner’s but seeing how he was with his father’s family and how well he got along with his grandparents and aunts, uncles, and cousins really helped her understand his sense of family ties. It was all he really wanted and he missed out on a lot of that, trying to fill that hole with the gang-life. Riley had spent the whole day laughing, eating, and just enjoying Jason and his family.  When the party quieted down, they were able to just talk and she had really learned a lot about him, and him about her. They had really bonded and connected over the summer, and she just knew that something would come of it. Yet here they were, middle of February and it seemed like they were right back where they started, and she just couldn’t figure out why.

“Umm hellooo? Riley Jackson can you hear me,” said Jason cupping his hands around his voice to replicate a megaphone. “Huh, what? I’m sorry what did you say,” said Riley as she came back from her thoughts after zoning out. “Yeah I thought so,” said Jason with a laugh after he shoved a forkful of smothered chicken and mashed potatoes in his mouth. “I said have you spoken to Reyanna today,” he asked. “No not today, we have class together next period though. Why is everything ok,” asked Riley. “I don’t know, she just seems kind of distant, like something is bothering her.” “Well,” said Riley taking a sip of her drink to wash down her food, “she’s going through some personal things at the moment. I’m sure she’s fine.” “I’m not talking about her parents Ri, there’s something else going on that she won’t discuss. I tried asking her this morning before she rushed out the door but she got all defensive on me.” “Wait what do you mean “rushed out the door”,” said Riley with a raised eyebrow. “She spent the night last night and had to leave straight from the apartment to get to class," JAson said nonchalantly as he continued to eat his food. Riley just looked at him with confusion until he realized what he stated could imply. “Whoa, before you go there nothing happened. Firstly I would never do my brother like that, and secondly I’m not that kind of guy. I actually saw her in the car crying when I went to pick up Austin from you all’s apartment but he had already left so I went over to confront her and we just started talking. She said she didn’t want to go inside yet so I said she could come by our house and take some time to get herself together. Next thing you know we were up till midnight talking and she fell asleep. I let her have the bed and I slept on the floor, that’s it. If you want to know anything else you’ll have to ask her because it’s not my place to tell. Just keep an eye out on her ok?” Riley just gave Jason and nod and he could see that it was bothering her. “On another note,” he said,” Do you have any ideas on what you want to do this project on for philosophy? I really don’t know what we’re supposed to be doing for this assignment anyways, so if you have some ideas as to what you want to do I’m all for it.” “Oh, yeah sure, umm well I was thinking since the project is to focus on the writings of Socrates, we could take an excerpt from one of his writings and try to apply it to modern day life and present it in front of the class. Sort of like an oral report. Should be easy enough right.” “Hmm,” said Jason as he had finished the last of his food,” I like it. It’s creative yet simple, and we won’t be stuck in the library all night doing research because everything we need is in our textbook and notes.”

“Precisely,” said Riley as she too finished the last of her food and washed it down with a coke. She was so full she wasn’t even sure if she would be able to make it to class. “Man I’m so full, I don’t know if I will be able to make it to class, let alone practice,” said Jason as he stretched his arms over his head. “I was thinking the same thing,” replied Riley with a smile. She peeped that Jason’s shirt had ridden up slightly when he stretched. Even with a full stomach his abs still showed. She loved it when her, Reyanna, and Michelle were able to catch Jason, Michael, and Austin playing a game of basketball at the REC because they usually played shirts versus skins, and Jason was always on skins. It was as if his body had been sculpted by one of the famous Italian sculptors, because it was so gorgeous and perfect. All of his muscles being flexed as he worked up and down the court, and his sweat glistening off his body, enhancing every toned muscle.

She caught herself staring at his waistline where is shirt had revealed a small glimpse of his abs and quickly averted her eyes before he could take notice. “Well looks like we’d better get going,” said Jason looking at his watch. “Its 1:25 and I still have to get to the math building for my 1:45 class.” He then began to take up he and Riley’s trays and placed them on the conveyor belt that led to the dishwashing station in the kitchen. “Brings back old memories huh,” said Jason catching her from the corner of his eye shuddering. “Yeah memories I would rather forget,” she said with a look of disgust. “I hated that restaurant and am so glad I never have to go back.” “Well, think about it this way, in two years you’ll be graduating with your pre-law degree and be working at your mom’s law firm. No more dish duty.”

It was true that she was capable of getting an entry-level position at a law office over the summer after graduation, she just wasn’t sure if she wanted to be working at her mother’s office. She had been interning there since junior year of high school, so she knew she was a shoo-in for the position, but she had always been the kind of person who took pride in getting things on her own. If she did get the entry-level position at the office she wanted it to be for her hard-work and education, not because her mom was one of the partner’s at the place. All in all, she wanted to go her own path, and she wanted a challenge.  “Yeah well, I have other places in mind too actually,” said Riley as they had made it outside the cafeteria. “In fact when we get off for summer break, I have an interview with Davis, Matthew, and Quigly Law Firm.” “Well congrats Ri! Why didn’t you say anything earlier,” asked Jason? “Because I haven’t actually gotten the job, and with all the interviews I’ve been on I just didn’t want to get my hopes up just to be rejected again. So I kept it on the hush. My mom doesn’t even know about the interview.” “Yeah I guess I could understand that. Well good luck on it anyways,” said Jason. “Thanks,” said Riley as she looked down at her watch. “Oh man, it’s 1:20. I’d better get going so I won’t be late for class. Dr. Baraz has a strict late policy and I don’t want to have the door slammed in my face like last time,” said Riley. “I’ll catch you later on tonight at your place. 7 o’clock right?” “Right,” said Jason, and they both parted ways.

The sun was out and it was unusually warm for mid-February, with the temperature reaching a high of 68 degrees. The Criminal Justice building was on the east side of the campus next to the library, and about a 15 minute walk from the cafeteria; 10 minutes if you jog. Riley loved her criminal law class, not just because she wanted to be a lawyer, and not just because it reminded her of her favorite show How to Get Away with Murder, but because her professor, Dr. Baraz made it interesting. Sure he was a very strict professor, probably one of the hardest professors she had had this far in her college career, but he was enthusiastic and passionate about the subject matter, and with his experience as a criminal law attorney for over 10 years, he brought some of his old cases for the class to go over as part of the teaching material.

Riley arrived to the class with exactly one minute to spare, and took her seat. The chair next to her was empty, and there were only seconds left before Dr. Baraz would shut the door and begin class. “Come on where are you,” Riley thought to herself. “Alright class,” said Dr. Baraz as he got the classes attention. It is officially 1:44 and we will begin class…” “I’m here!!” interjected a voice as a foot entered through the closing door and a girl slid through. “Ah, Miss Carter nice of you to join us today,” said Dr. Baraz as he let Reyanna come in and closed the door. “That’s some impeccable timing you have. Please take your seat Miss Carter, and let’s try not to make a habit of it alright,” he said with a serious smile. “Yes Dr. Baraz,” said Reyanna as she took her seat in the empty chair next to Riley.

Riley gave her the “girl where have you been,” look and Reyanna replied with the “we’ll talk later,” look. Riley and Reyanna had been best friends since the first grade, their moms being best friends since sophomore year of undergrad at Stanford. They had grown up together and always kept in touch, even when Riley went to live with her dad in New York after her parent's divorced. When she was in middle school Riley had decided to live with her father in New York during her last two years in middle school. After that she came back to Georgia for high school where she and Reyanna were able to pick up as if she never left and once again the girls were once again inseparable. Riley had gotten along with Michael and Michelle after Reyanna introduced them in the fifth grade. “For a minute there I thought you weren’t going to make it,” whispered Riley as she got out her laptop to take notes. “I almost didn’t,” replied Reyanna as she did the same, “I was in study hall when I got a call from my mom. I guess I lost track of time because the next think I know the clock said 1:35 and I hadn’t even left yet.” “Is everything alright,” asked Riley, when Dr. Baraz cleared his throat and directed his attention towards them. “I’m sorry Miss Jackson, am I boring you? Surely your conversation couldn’t be more important than the case of a wrongly convicted individual?” Um no sir,” said Riley as she slid down in her seat. “Well then I suggest you pay attention and take notes, or excuse yourself from my class.”

At that moment Riley saw a message pop up on her screen from Reyanna.

Reyanna: Who pissed in his coffee this morning? Lol

Riley gave a hushed snicker before replying to the message.

Riley: Ikr! Always picking on me when half the class isn’t even paying attention and is talking. Hell Taylor is knocked out snoring two rows away from him and he hasn’t even said anything!

Reyanna: Lol, that’s what that noise was? Omg lmbo.

Riley: I’m saying! So what’s going on with your parents? Is everything ok?

Reyanna really didn’t want to go into detail about the conversation she had had with her mother a few minutes ago. She hadn’t even figured out how to process everything herself, let alone explain the situation to Riley. Still, she knew Riley wasn’t going to let her off the hook so easily, and now was as good a time as any. Truth be told, she needed someone to talk to anyways, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to get a hold of Jason until after practice.

Reyanna: Well, according to my mom, she decided to come home for lunch this afternoon and found my dad’s stuff packed in suitcases by the door. Before she could even realize what was going on my dad was coming out of the living room with a box of stuff and Samantha was right behind him.

Riley: Samantha? Wait, your dad’s secretary Samantha?! But she seemed so nice! Not at all the kind of girl that would have an affair with someone’s husband let alone your dad!

What Riley was saying was very true. Reyanna and her family had known Samantha for years. She was the only female Mrs. Carter even trusted around her husband at work, sometimes referring to her as her personal spy against the single, desperate vultures at work. Samantha had stayed for dinner many times at their house, and Reyanna had even grown to think of her like a big sister over the years. Her having an affair with her dad just didn’t make sense.

Riley: Samantha having an affair with your dad just doesn’t make sense Rey, especially not with the history your family has with her.

Reyanna: That’s what I was telling my mom, and that just because she was there helping him pack up his things doesn’t mean they are having an affair. But this whole thing makes about as much sense as the situation itself. I honestly have no idea how my parents even got to this point. It’s like one minute we were celebrating my mom’s birthday and planning our annual family vacation, and the next thing I know my parents are heading for Splitsville. It just doesn’t add up Ri.

Riley: Honestly, if I hadn’t of seen it for myself when I was at your house that night I wouldn’t have believed it even if you had told me. Your parent always seemed like the perfect couple. They have nothing but love and respect for each other. I don’t think I’ve ever even heard them argue before so this is a total shock to me too.

Reyanna: Yeah well can we change the subject please. Talking about it just reminds me of hearing my mom crying on the phone. I’ve heard her cry before but it was always because she was overwhelmed with happiness or something, not because she was hurt. That’s something I’d rather not think about right now alright?

Riley: Alright well let’s talk about why you spent the night at Jason’s place last night? Feel like talking about that?       
Reyanna looked up abruptly to see that her friend had a serious look of concern and confusion on her face. She figured she would find out eventually but didn’t think it would be for a couple of days at least. That would give Jason plenty of time for Michael to talk to Michelle and then of course Michelle would tell Riley and then Riley would of course come to her, but she hadn’t expected for Riley to find out this fast.

Reyanna: How do you know about that?

Riley: I have class with Jason remember? He was expressing his concern about you keeping something from us. Something that has you upset and distracted, that has nothing to do with your parents, and he said he tried to ask you about it before you left from his place but u wouldn’t talk. So what’s going on Rey?

Reyanna: He’s one to talk, and it’s nothing Ri, just drop it.

Riley: Look I’ve been noticing something was up for a minute now but I just assumed it was dealing with your parents and I figured u would come to me when you were ready. Obviously that’s not going to happen, so I’m asking you straight up. WHAT’S. GOING. ON?

Reyanna: …*Reyanna has left the chat*

Riley looked over at Reyanna as she looked straight ahead at the board. “No this heifer didn’t just…,” thought Riley to herself. “Oh now you want to be studious,” whispered Riley as she leaned over a little so her voice wouldn’t carry. “Don’t think this conversation is over Reyanna. You may not want to admit it to me but I know something is going on with you. You’re not going to get away from me that easily.”

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