Chapter 6: Austin

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Austin pulled up to the football stadium and put the car in park since Coach had decided to have practice in the stadium instead of the practice fields today. Even though the homecoming game wasn't until the fall, it was his way of getting everybody amped up, and since stadium practices usually led to scrimmage games. He cut off the car engine so only the radio could play, and sat back in the seat of his 2012 Black Honda Civic. The time on the dashboard read 4:30 and Austin decided to just kill some time and listen to his music to clear his head. “Let’s see what’s playing on the radio today,” he said to himself, as he leaned over and cut the radio on. Taylor Swift’s Wildest Dreams was blasting on the pop station. “Well I know what Chelle was listening to,” he thought to himself as he changed the station. The next song was Drinks On Us by The Weeknd. He decided that that would work, reclined the chair, and laid back.

Tears of joy run down my cheek onto the soil
I would t**** off on your b*** but she ain't loyal
Nothin' but love for you n**** ridin' with no tint
Grand total 5 digits make these h*** repent

He thought back to the events that had just taken place with Michelle. He was still heated and confused by what she had said. What had she meant by not feeling “secure” in the relationship and not feeling like he was fully committed? Hadn’t he done everything possible to make sure she felt secure? Whenever other girls tried to flirt with him, he rarely looked at them, but always looked at her. Whenever they went to parties, yeah he spoke to other females, but it was never anything that would make her feel uncomfortable and insecure. Usually just a “hello”, “how you doing”, and maybe “thanks for coming to the game, we always appreciate the support.” Sometimes it could lead to a lengthier conversation, but Michelle knew he was a sociable person, and she had been able to handle and hold her own against the groupies while they were together in high school. She wasn’t super territorial like a lot of the girls at Brown who were dating athletes. She allowed him space to hang with the guys and be sociable, but he never even thought to take it any further than platonic conversations. He just would never do that to Michelle, maybe before they had started dating, but she had changed him for the better. He was happy just being with her.

When they call last shot for alcohol
I just wanna take my last drink
I just wanna sip some clean purple
Hit the car lot and just made a purchase

Ever since they got together he had always made sure to treat her with respect and show her how important she was to him. Maybe he had been pressuring her these past couple of weeks though (although he wasn’t ready to admit that to her yet). He thought he was doing a better job of handling things but the pressure of him trying to get drafted was really starting to get to him. Here he was coming to the end of his junior year of undergrad still without any possible prospects for the NFL, and he didn’t even have a major, at least not a real one. His advisor told him he had to pick something his Junior year, but he was just so sure he was going to make it pro that he just picked some random bogus major off of a printed out list. He wasn’t even sure what Communication Studies was, or what you could do with that major, but he knew it wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life. All he had ever dreamed of was being a pro football player in the NFL for the Atlanta Falcons, but not a single scout had come out to see him play last year, and it wasn’t looking any better this year.

He thought about Michelle and how she knew what she wanted to do with her life, and how she had a plan to get it. He loved how determined and driven she was, and sometimes he wasn’t sure if she rubbed that off on him or he rubbed it off on her. Still, although he would never admit it to her, the idea that she was running circles around him academically intimidated him. His biggest fear was her coming to the realization that she was better off without him and that she was going to leave. Heck if anybody were to feel insecure in their relationship it would be him. Plus, him being one of the most recognized players on campus and not having had sex with his girlfriend of almost six years was kind of getting to him too. Before he got with Michelle it was never a problem, but once he got with her he took a vow of celibacy for her. He had no problem with it either, sometimes, but sometimes the conversations the guys had in the locker room that he couldn’t give any input on, kind of got to him. He never wanted to make Michelle feel pressured to do anything she didn’t want to do. In fact, her strong morals and beliefs were just one of the few things he loved about her, and the fact that she wouldn’t compromise herself for anyone, not even him, was just impressive.

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